Vol. 65, No. 2 | Fall 2020



We are increasing our efforts to be more active on Twitter (@AnimBehSociety) and other social media outlets. As a society, we need to do this not only to increase the exposure of the work of our society members (you!), but also to take an active role in informing the public, policy-makers, and others about the importance of animal behavior research and what we do as scientists. To that end, we do need your help!

  • If you are active on Twitter, please mention @AnimBehSociety in tweets about your publications, outreach efforts, teaching, and other accomplishments. We will be happy to retweet them to increase the visibility of your work.
  • If you are not active on Twitter, please send an email to [email protected] to let us know of your recent publications/accomplishments - we will get the word out for you!

A few other notes related to our shared efforts:

  • Please do not tweet, send us, or mention @AnimBehSociety in any material that contains personal, politically-charged, or other sensitive items or opinions. We hope to keep our society's social media presence professional.
  • When sending us information about publications/accomplishments please give us a brief (~150 character) description of the work. Make sure this is accessible - avoid jargon and other things that might prevent a broad audience from understanding. Along these lines, consider sending us pictures of your research (field, lab, etc. without materials that may hurt sensitivities) along with the aforementioned brief description. We want to share with the world the enthusiasm of doing animal behavior research!


We are thrilled to announce the launch of our ABS YouTube channel, which can be found here. This channel will be your portal to selected talks from our virtual conference (with author approval), interviews with researchers, education and outreach highlights, and more. We hope this platform will provide a valuable resource for you, and we encourage you to explore the initial video content!

Are you interested in contributing video content to our channel? We would love to hear from you! You can submit a video through our video submission using the button below. Your video will be reviewed by the ABS Social Media Team. If it fits the criteria for our channel, we will work with you to post it. You can also propose a video idea through the submission site (before production) for review. We are particularly interested in highlighting ABS members from groups typically underrepresented in our field. We are not currently looking for recorded seminars or standard research talks.


Be sure to subscribe to the channel by pressing the 'Subscribe' button on our YouTube homepage, and click the bell icon to receive notifications as new videos are posted. 


Thank you in advance for your help in making our society better!


The Animal Behavior Society has a series of Career Awards which include the following:

  • Distinguished Animal Behaviorist - outstanding lifetime achievement in animal behavior
  • Exemplar Award - major long-term contribution to animal behavior
  • Outstanding New Investigator - outstanding contribution by a new investigator
  • Quest Award - outstanding seminal contribution
  • Exceptional Service Award - sustained service contributions to the Animal Behavior Society
  • *Penny Bernstein Distinguished Teaching Award- recognizes a sustained record of excellent teaching of animal behavior in the classroom or informal education setting
  • *Conservation Committee Award: Richard Buchholz Conservation Behavior Award- the award recognizes ABS members for their outstanding contributions to the integrative field of Conservation Behavior.

All members of the society are encouraged to submit nominations for the above awards. To aid the Selection Committee and to help codify the procedures involved, the following items must be submitted for a nomination:

  • A letter of nomination indicating the award for which the nominee is being proposed which should provide details on the reasons the nominee should be considered for that award.
  • A curriculum vitae of the nominee.
  • Additional supporting letters from colleagues solicited by the nominator.

Materials for the Distinguished Animal Behaviorist, Exemplar, Outstanding New Investigator, Quest and Exceptional Service Award can be submitted using the online upload system here (http://www.animalbehaviorsociety.org/career-awards/).

Materials for the Distinguished Animal Behaviorist, Exemplar, Outstanding New Investigator, Quest and Exceptional Service Award can be submitted using the button below by the deadline: December 15, 2020.

* For the Penny Bernstein Distinguished Teaching Award, submit a one-page letter providing evidence to support the nomination to the chair of the PBDTA sub-committee Darren Incorvaia([email protected]by January 1, 2021. Click here for award criteria.

* For the Richard Buchholz Conservation Behavior Award, submit a letter detailing how the nominee fits the award criteria, should be submitted to the ABS Conservation Committee Chair, Rachel Chock, [email protected] by January 15, 2021.



Would you like to volunteer for one of the Society's active committees? The Animal Behavior Society has several committees that do very important work for the society. Committee members and chairs volunteer their time and have been appointed by the ABS executive committee. The following is a list of committees and chairs (2018-2019). This is an important and rewarding way to participate in the business of the Society, and we need your help! If you are interested in volunteering for a committee, contact the chair of the committee directly, the President of the society by email [email protected], or send an email to [email protected]. All the committees are searching for new members, in particular the Film Committee.

Animal Care Committee: Alexander Ophir, Department of Psychology, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, US. E mail: [email protected]

Conservation Committee: Barbara A. Clucas, Department of Wildlife, Humboldt State University, Arcata, California, US. E-mail: [email protected]

Nominations Committee: Jeff Podos, Department of Biology, University of Massachusetts-Amherst, Amherst, Massachusetts, US. E-mail: [email protected]

Education Committee: Heather Zimbler-DeLorenzo, Division of Biology, Alfred University, Alfred, New York, US. E-mail: [email protected]

Film Committee: Barbara A. Clucas, Department of Wildlife, Humboldt State University, Arcata, California, US. E-mail: [email protected] 

Applied Animal Behavior Committee: Robin L. Foster, Department of Psychology, University of Puget Sound, Tacoma, Washington, US. E-mail: [email protected]

Public Affairs Committee: Danielle J. Whittaker, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, US. E mail: [email protected] 

Board of Professional Certification Subcommittee: Sue Miller McDonnell, PhD, CAAB, University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine Kennett Square, Pennsylvania US. E-Mail: [email protected]

Latin American Affairs Committee: Lilian Tonelli Manica, Departamento de Zoologia, Universidade Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, Parana, Brazil. E-mail: [email protected]

Student Research Grants Committee: Christopher Templeton
Department of Biology, Pacific University, Forest Grove, Oregon, US E-mail: [email protected]

Advancement and Investment Committee: Dan Rubenstein, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Princeton University, Princeton NJ, US. E-mail: [email protected]

Diversity Committee: Daniel Howard, Department of Biological Sciences, University of New Hampshire,Durham, New Hampshire, US. E-mail: [email protected]


We are increasing our commitment to diversity in Animal Behavior with two changes to our research grant program. First, applicants will be asked to include a Diversity Equity and Inclusion Statement within the research proposal. Second, the society has allocated additional funds specifically aimed at supporting research and researchers which enhance Diversity Equity and Inclusion for the Animal Behavior Society. Details for these changes will be available on the grant description websites here.


Animal Behaviour Collective


The Animal Behaviour Collective microgrants are funded by one-off and monthly contributions from animal behaviour researchers (and friends!) and are distributed in amounts of £5-£300 to students in animal behaviour who need it for anything that will help them in their studies. This might include paying for a new textbook, childcare while working on an assignment, monthly transport to get to campus, or costs to attend a fieldtrip. Costs like these can be barriers to participation for students, and our aim is to support students by removing these barriers.

Contributions and applications to our microgrants go through https://opencollective.com/animal-behaviour-collective and our budget is fully transparent. We also welcome contributions from organisations/academic societies/institutions/universities!!


In complement to our microgrants, the Animal Behaviour Collective also supports students’ educational and career goals by connecting them with mentors in animal behaviour. Students and mentors are connected based on what they would like to get out of the mentorship – be that research questions for someone in the same field, assistance working on job applications, career questions for someone with similar life experiences, etc.

Prospective mentors can find more information and sign up here: https://forms.gle/Uzjw1gSspRYVqK6J7.

We will open applications for mentees in January 2021, and will start to connect them with mentors shortly thereafter. We will send you another followup email in January when we open applications for microgrants and mentees! In the meantime, thank you very much for sharing this initiative with your members/organization/students/colleagues.

Animal Behaviour Collective
[email protected]



The ABS Education Committee invites you to our free mid-year workshop: "Lessons from online teaching and learning animal behavior", on January 15th from 10 am to 6 pm EST. We will host short presentations and group discussions on topics such as Online Lecturing and Discussions, Field Classes, and Online Resources and Student Assessment. We also invite all participants to contribute an optional 5-minute video outlining your experiences teaching animal behavior online. We’ll feature some of these videos at the workshop and all will be available for viewing on the ABS Youtube Channel.

To register, please complete the form by Jan 9th by clicking here . Optional videos could also be contributed by Jan 5th. The Zoom link will be sent on January 14th. 


ABS Newsletter

Send general correspondence concerning the Society to Danielle J. Whittaker, Public Affairs Officer, at: publicaffairs@
. Deadlines for materials to be included in the Newsletter are the 15th of the month preceding each issue. The next deadline is February 15, 2021. Articles submitted by members of the Society and judged by the Public Affairs Officer to be appropriate are occasionally published in the ABS newsletter. The publication of such material does not imply ABS endorsement of the opinions expressed by contributors.

Animal Behavior Society Website: http://www.animalbehaviorsociety.org

Animal Behavior

Animal Behavior, manuscripts and editorial matters: Authors should submit manuscripts online to Elsevier’s Editorial System (http://ees.elsevier.com/anbeh/). For enquiries relating to submissions prior to acceptance, contact the Journal Manager ([email protected]). For enquiries relating to submissions after acceptance, visit Elsevier at http://www.elsevier.com/journals. For other general correspondence, contact Kris Bruner, Managing Editor, Animal Behaviour, Indiana University, 407 N. Park Avenue, Bloomington, IN 47408, USA. E-mail: [email protected]. Phone: 812-935-7188.

Change of address, missing or defective issues: ABS Central Office, 2111 Chestnut Avenue, Suite 145, Glenview, IL 60025, US. Phone: 312-893-6585. Fax: 312-896-5614. E-mail: [email protected].