Given the increasing magnitude of the coronavirus outbreak, we have decided to cancel the ABS 2020 in-person meeting scheduled for July 30-August 3rd, 2020. This is a sad decision, because your presence at the meeting brings the collective heart to ABS.
We are looking into possible alternative ways to share your research, including a virtual meeting . We will continue to evaluate our options and provide any status updates once details are firm.
The 57th Annual Conference of the
Animal Behavior Society
Summer 2020
The Animal Behavior Society was founded in 1964 to promote the study of animal behavior in the broadest sense, including studies using descriptive and experimental methods under natural and controlled conditions. Current members' research activities span the invertebrates and vertebrates, both in the field and in the laboratory, and include experimental psychology, behavioral ecology, neuroscience, zoology, biology, applied ethology, and human ethology as well as many other specialized areas.
We believe that scientific excellence flourishes in an environment that where a diversity of voices and perspectives are freely expressed, in an environment of mutual respect for the dignity and worth of every participant. We look forward to a meeting where all can learn and be heard.
ABS Program Officer: Elizabeth Tibbetts, University of Michigan
ABS Program Officer-Elect:
Tim Wright, New Mexico State
April 15, 2020
ABS is finalizing details to host a virtual meeting and more information will be shared with members soon!
March 20, 2020
ABS is looking into possible alternative ways to share your research, including a virtual meeting and/or a rescheduled meeting at a later date.
February 20, 2020
ABS 2020 online abstract submission system will be available to active ABS members in February. More information here