Instructions for Presenters
Please see below for more information regarding your oral or poster presentation.
- Talks will be strictly timed by moderators to keep the concurrent sessions synchronous.
- Contributed Talks should be 12 minutes long. There will be 3 minutes allotted for questions & transition between speakers.
- MAC computers WILL NOT be available. Therefore, please format your presentation as EITHER a pc-compatible Microsoft Powerpoint file or a PDF file.
- You will not be able to connect your own computer to the projection system.
- All presentations should be formatted for 16:9 aspect ratio.
- It is highly recommended that speakers bring their presentation on a jump/flash/usb drive to their sessions as back-up.
- All speakers are expected to visit the Speaker Ready area at least 4 hours before the scheduled presentation time (or as early as possible) to upload their talk. Talks should be tested and the final version of your presentation should be saved onto the stations located in the Speaker Ready area (B118).
- In addition to your live presentation, all presenters are also asked to upload a recording of their presentation in their presenter portal through their abstract submission account.
- All posters must fit within an area no larger than 42 inches wide X 40 inches high.
- Presenters may hang up their poster on the day of their assigned session on the board with the correct number leaving the board number visible.
- Presenters must stand near your poster to discuss your study and answer questions during the entire session.
- You will be able to search for your assigned poster number using the mobile program onsite.
- Posters will be hung using push pins (provided onsite).
- In addition to your live presentation, all presenters are also asked to upload a copy of their poster presentation as an ePoster in their presenter portal located within their abstract submission account.
Please contact us at [email protected] with any questions concerning your presentation.