Opening Reception
Wednesday, June 10th
On campus in the UAA Quad - Alaskan BBQ theme
Greet old friends, meet new ones, and enjoy some great food and drink.
This event is included at no additional cost with your registration.
ABS Annual General Meeting & Raffle
Saturday, June 13th
What is your society doing with your money? How much is spent on graduate student research awards? What advice does the editor of Animal Behavior have about publishing your papers? Hear brief overviews of ABS business, committee accomplishments and budget of the last year, have your say on policy, and enter a raffle to win a cash prize that will cover your registration costs, or a mystery prize (you can only win if you are there!).
ABS Award Ceremony
Sunday, June 14th
Immediately following the last talks of the meeting, join us for a brief ceremony to fête winners of career awards, and applaud this year’s recipients of the Genesis, Founder and Allee awards.
ABS Closing Banquet
Sunday, June 14th
This is a ticketed event that carries an additional fee.
Join us at the Alaska Native Heritage Center for dinner. There will be motor coaches available to shuttle attendees to the site for an enjoyable closing dinner, where you can touch base with friends, argue about the meeting’s key presentations, and congratulate award-winners: a fitting way to end this historical 52nd ABS meeting.
32nd Annual ABS Film Festival
Organizer: Barbara Clucas
Thursday, June 11th
Now in its 32nd year, the ABS Film Festival features outstanding films that portray important concepts in animal behavior research and education. Categories include both amateur (non-commercial) and professional (commercial) films produced in the preceding five years. In addition, ABS members are encouraged to bring short video clips of their own to share in an informal film event (
NEW THIS YEAR: Optional movie theatre dinner food.
Wednesday, June 10th
2:00-6:00 pm
Alaska Museum of Science and Nature -
Undergraduate Luncheon & Reception
Thursday, June 11th
The reception provides a networking platform for undergraduate students attending ABS, and an opportunity for ABS faculty members to introduce their programs to potential graduate school applicants. The event includes lunch for undergraduate attendees. The ABS Diversity Committee has developed this event as part of an on-going effort to broaden participation of under-represented groups within the field of Animal Behavior, with an emphasis on translating the diverse demographics evident at the undergraduate level to the graduate and professional levels in the field.
Student Party
Friday, June 12th
Undergradruate students, graduate students and post-graduate students welcome!
Charles H. Turner Program
The Charles H. Turner Undergraduate Program, established in 2002, provides to undergraduate participants support for travel to the annual conference of the Animal Behavior Society. Participation in a pre-meeting Turner Program workshop is by invitation only, selection of participants is competitive, and students are encouraged to present research at the conference. The full-day workshop prepares students for the conference and provides advice on: careers in animal behavior, meeting faculty and graduate students at the conference, presenting posters, and identifying and applying to appropriate graduate programs. Each student is assigned a mentor, based on the student’s interests, and the program typically supports from 8-12 students per year, depending upon the meeting location. The goal of the Turner program is to attract and retain in the field of animal behavior highly-qualified graduate and undergraduate students from groups historically under-represented in the STEM fields.
LGBTQ Networking Event at ABS 2015 – FREE
Date and Time to be announced
Please join us for an informal gathering to meet other LGBTQ animal behaviorists! We will go out for dinner and drinks one evening in Anchorage (date, time and location TBA; please check the conference program). People from all career stages are very welcome! Please contact Jessie Barker ([email protected]) or Caitlin Stern ([email protected]) if you have any questions.
The ABS can provide letters of invitation to help scientists (faculty or students) from developing countries obtain travel funding from their universities in order to attend the ABS meeting in 2015. If such a letter would be useful in helping you to obtain funding, please contact the Central Office: [email protected]
Pachanga Alert 2015
Date and time to be determined
Get prepared for the most sensational Latin party of the year. All ABS 2015 meeting participants are invited for the "Latin American dance competition". Winners of the contest will be awarded with gorgeous Latin American gifts/remembrances. Further details and costs will be announced during the meeting at the registration desk. You can't miss that!
Conservation Committee Meeting
During Lunch, Date and Location to be announced.
Public Affairs Committee Meeting
Lunch, day to be determined
Lunch will be held at the Alaska Airlines Center.
Please join us if you are interested in brainstorming ideas on how to increase the
exposure of the society to the general public. The committee would like ABS members to
think about initiatives that the committee could pursue. Please contact Patty Brennan for details([email protected] or [email protected]).
Silent Auction
Date: throughout the meeting
Bring items to Anchorage to Donate! Bring items from home, pick up items in your travels, from your field sites, or obtain donations from supportive colleagues and organizations. Drop your items at the registration desk! The more items we have, the more likely the auction will be as successful as it was last year! Items that you donate for the auction will be placed at the meeting on tables next to bidding forms, or described if the item is not present. During the meeting, members will visit the tables and bid on items by entering their bid on the bidding form. The auction will continue for several days while members bid against one another. The member with the highest bid at the deadline wins the item and takes it home with them. Funds raised will support Graduate Student Research and Latin American Affairs!
What kinds of items or services seem to be desirable?
- Books on Animal Behavior, Biology, Ecology, Conservation, Applied Animal Behavior, etc.
- Autographed books from ABS authors
- Items with animal themes (t-shirts, jewelry, calendars, decor, greeting cards, posters, etc.)
- Software useful for members (statistics, data collection, etc.)
- Videos for teaching or entertainment with behavior themes.
- Donations from zoo gift shops
- Memorabilia from past ABS meetings and members (vintage artifacts)
- Animal photography
- Animal artwork
- Statistical consulting, behind-the-scenes tour of the zoo, etc.
- Items from past meetings
- Anything legal that appeals to ABS Members!!
Contact Saethra Fritscher ([email protected]) from the Ha Lab, University of Washington if you have questions about your donations.
“Emily’s work has creatively addressed questions at the core of animal behavior and evolutionary biology—the evolution of cooperation, the basis of mate choice, and the consequences of life-history tradeoffs. Emily’s approach has been integrative, addressing these questions from both mechanistic and functional angles. She is a stellar empiricist and a careful natural historian, collecting long-term data on a tropical study system with diverse assistants at a field site that she built from the ground up with local community support.”