The 2023 Animal Behavior Society Meeting was held in Portland, Oregon.
A total of 741 Attendees representing 34 countries including: Australia, Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Columbia, Costa Rica, Finland, France, Germany, India, Japan, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, South Korea, Sweden, Thailand, United States, United Kingdom, and Uruguay. With up to 6 concurrent sessions, the meeting included 68 invited talks, 328 contributed talks and 266 posters.
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Please join us June 26-29, 2024 (workshops on June 25) at Western University in London, Ontario, Canada! London – also known as the “Forest City” – has riverside trails and parks as well as downtown dining and entertainment just a short transit ride from campus. Western University is an accessible and inclusive campus; housing will be available in modern, air-conditioned dorms, and we expect all conference activities to be in the same or nearby buildings. London is easily reached by air, rail and road. More information will be available soon.