ABS 2024
Effects of Noise on Learning Performance and Reproductive Success in Eastern bluebirds (Sialia sialis)�
Sara B Isgate, Anne M Puchalsky, Alina J Iwanowicz, Caitlin A Honus, Gabriel T Casanova, Bailey W Betcher, Julian D Avery, Jason C Keagy. The Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA, United States

Cognition may be a possible mediator of avian breeding success. Previous research has examined how anthropogenic noise affects cognition, but it is unknown how the interplay between anthropogenic noise and cognition impact parental care. This study used an operant conditioning task in Eastern bluebirds (Sialia sialis) to examine potential effects of acute noise on cognitive performance and brood success. Fifty-four nest boxes were checked daily for eggs and nestlings. After nestling hatching, mated pairs were presented with a trap door device with two levers. Birds perched on the correct lever in the presence or absence of gas compressor noise to access nestlings. Nestling number and size were also recorded. An ethogram and BORIS software were used to measure persistence, effort, and learning performance from video recordings. Linear mixed effects models were used to determine links between cognitive performance and brood quantity and quality. Pilot data have generated problem-solving scores and learning curves, with a significant decrease in solving time with repeated attempts. By identifying threats to reproductive success, we aim to positively impact conservation strategies. �