ABS 2023
Deep dive into octopus sentience
Michaella Andrade1, Charles Morphy Dias dos Santos1, Tatiana S. Leite2. 1Federal University of ABC, Santo Andr�, S�o Paulo, Brazil; 2Federal University of Santa Catarina, Florian�polis, Santa Catarina, Brazil

Octopuses are recognized as sentient, but we know little about aspects of wild juvenile sentience. In this sense, the study of wildlife welfare is essential to promote the welfare of every animal, maintain healthy ecosystems, and foster harmonious relationships between humans and natural environments. These goals are especially important for juveniles of semelparous species, which generally have less balanced welfare and suffer from negative valence experiences. In this study, we carried out minimally invasive tests on juvenile wild Octopus insularis to better understand their behavioral repertoire, expression of emotional states, different personalities, and welfare. In this talk, we will present our first results about behavioral markers of negative welfare, the description of defense behaviors, interspecific interactions, and the preliminary results of our tests. Our results will help us understand the relationship between body patterns, behavior, personality, and emotional states. The present study could also be crucial for developing new management policies to avoid fishing animals at juvenile stage of life, which have not had the opportunity to reproduce.