ABS 2023
Effect of mate value and previous mating history on male intra-specific interactions.
Susheen Mahmood1, Lenka Sentensk�1,2,3, Maydianne CB Andrade1, Luciana Baruffaldi1. 1University of Toronto Scarborugh, Toronto, Ontario, Canada; 2University of Greifswald, Greifswald, , Germany; 3Masaryk University, Brno, , Czech Republic

Theory suggests that an individual's reproductive fitness may increase with the number of successful matings� and number/quality of their offspring. In polygynandrous mating systems. mating decisions can be influenced by past mating history and future mating potential, as well as the perceived value and risk of a current mating opportunity. Here, using the false widow spider, Steatoda nobilis, we conducted laboratory mating trials in which females and males with different mating histories were exposed to intraspecific competition. Two adult males matched in age and weight were placed simultaneously on a female’s web and intra-specific interactions were recorded. We designed 3 experimental groups: (1) an unmated female with 2 unmated males (U-UU), (2) an unmated female with 1 mated and 1 unmated male (U-MU), and (3) a mated female with 2 unmated males (M-UU) to test if interspecific competition and mating history affected male motivation to fight to secure a mating opportunity and mating outcomes. We found that male motivation to fight was a strong predictor of mating success and that this motivation was influenced by male and female past mating history.