ABS 2024
What is the function of female calls during courtship?�
Graciella L. Rivera, Mary Elson, N. Prior. Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, United States

Male zebra finch song has been extensively studied, especially in the context of song learning and mate choice. Female zebra finches call in response to song but the function of this is not well understood. Our study asks two questions about the role of female calls within male song: 1) Does previous song exposure affect female calling to song, and 2) Does the presence of another female’s calls shape female calling responses to song? We used song-naive and song-exposed females in a passive playback experiment and quantified female calling to male song (MS) and male song with female calls (MS+FC). Our preliminary results show that song-exposed females called more to MS+FC and that song-exposed females modulated their calling dependent on the presence of other females. Our findings support the notion that female calling responses are socially modulated and shaped by early life experience. Next, we will assess female calling to male song in contexts with a potential mate (courtship) and with an established mate (pair bonded).�