Vol. 62, No. 1 | February 2017

ABS Meeting Plenary Sessions and Symposia



Rebecca Kilner
Cambridge University 


How behavior changes evolution: experiments with burying beetles





Elizabeth Tibbetts
University of Michigan


Animal signals influence social behavior, physiology, and cognition: Lessons from wasp faces






Anita Aisenberg
Instituto de Investigaciones Biológicas Clemente Estable


Journey to an upside-down world: a transgressive South American spider as a model for sexual selection studies







William Searcy
University of Miami


Bird song and the problem of signal reliability








Molly Morris
Ohio University


The evolution of alternative reproductive tactics








James Dale
Massey University


Plumage colour in males and females





The Future of Zoo Research: 50 Years of Zoo Behavior
Organizers: Susan Margulis and Nancy Scott

Cognitive Ecology III: 10 Years Later
Organizers: Reuven Dukas and John Ratcliffe

Behavioural Biodiversity: What can under-studied lineages reveal about behavioural ecology?
Organizers: Maydianne Andrade, Andrew Mason and Malcolm Rosenthal

Behavioral Genomics in Non-Model Systems
Organizers: David Schulz, Johannes Schul and Zuleyma Tang-Martinez

Presidential Symposium: Predicting Behavior
Organizer: Emília P. Martins

Allee Symposium for Best Student Poster Paper
Organizer: John P. Swaddle

For more information, please visit: http://www.animalbehaviorsociety.org/2017/program-symposia.php

ABS Newsletter

Send general correspondence concerning the Society to Sue Bertram, [email protected]. Deadlines for materials to be included in the Newsletter are the 15th of the month preceding each issue. The next deadline is April 15, 2017. Articles submitted by members of the Society and judged by the Secretary to be appropriate are occasionally published in the ABS newsletter. The publication of such material does not imply ABS endorsement of the opinions expressed by contributors.

Animal Behaviour

Animal Behaviour, manuscripts and editorial matters: Authors should submit manuscripts online to Elsevier’s Editorial System (http://ees.elsevier.com/anbeh/). For enquiries relating to submissions prior to acceptance, contact the Journal Manager ([email protected]). For enquiries relating to submissions after acceptance, visit Elsevier at http://www.elsevier.com/journals. For other general correspondence, contact Kris Bruner, Managing Editor, Animal Behaviour, Indiana University, 407 N. Park Ave., Bloomington, IN 47408, USA. E-mail: [email protected].
Phone: 812-935-7188.

Change of address, missing or defective issues: ABS Central Office, 2111 Chestnut Ave., Ste 145, Glenview, IL 60025, USA. Phone: 312-893-6585, Fax: 312-896-5614,
E-mail: [email protected].