Are you a graduate student member of ABS? Are you interested in helping the Society’s efforts in graduate student representation and mentorship, social media, and other causes? If so, consider nominating yourself for the 2020-2022 Graduate Student Representative (GSR) and Social Media Fellow position! The GSR is a member of the Executive Committee (EC), helping give feedback to the society that represents graduate students’ interests. The GSR also manages graduate student support, including a mentoring program at yearly conferences. As the Social Media Fellow, the GSR helps run the ABS Twitter feed, planned Twitter conferences, and more. Finally, the GSR is encouraged to work with the EC to develop and implement any other programs supporting graduate student interests.
We are accepting self-nominations for this position up to and at the beginning of the ABS 2020 Virtual Conference. Nominees can be graduate students of any stage. Please fill out this form if you are interested in running for this position. Nominees will be able to present their platforms during the conference, with a primary election during the business meeting. The two nominees with the most votes from the primary will then enter a run-off, to be conducted electronically after the conference (finalists will be able to give more details on their qualifications and ideas before the run-off election).
Please email current GSR Patrick Green ([email protected]) with any questions or concerns.