Vol. 69, No. 2 | Fall 2024

2025 Election


Second President-Elect: Greg Grether
Alfredo Peretti
Member-at-Large: Elsah Arce
Elizabeth Hobson
Program Officer-Elect: Kasey Fowler-Finn
Executive Editor: Scott Sakaluk
Communications Officer: Stotra Chakrabarti
Kate Laskowski
Secretary: Norman Lee
Parliamentarian: Julia Saltz

Please take the time to vote in the upcoming election! In January 2025, you will receive an E-mail from the ABS Central Office, containing a link that will take you to the online ballot. This email will be sent to the address in your ABS account as long as you are an active ABS member. If you have any questions, contact us at [email protected].



Second President-Elect:

Greg Grether

Education: Ph.D. Animal Behavior, University of California, Davis, 1995.

Current Position: Professor, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of California, Los Angeles

ABS and Related Activities

  • Joined ABS in 1988 (first year of graduate school)
  • ABS Awards: Student Research Grant (1992), Allee Award (1995), Outstanding New Investigator Award (2000)
  • Master’s (1990) and Ph.D. (2005) in Animal Behavior from UC Davis
  • Elected Fellow of ABS in 2012
  • Judge for Founder’s Award (2012) and Allee Award (2021)
  • Reviewer of ABS Student Research Grants (2006, 2011, 2017)
  • Presenting author at 11 ABS meetings and co-author of numerous student talks and posters
  • Associate Editor at Animal Behaviour (2010-2013)
  • Reviewer of numerous manuscripts for Animal Behaviour and other behavior journals, and two animal behavior textbooks
  • Panelist and reviewer for NSF Animal Behavior program and related programs
  • Reviewer of Animal Behaviour articles for the Elsevier Student Award (Jan 2024, Aug 2024)
  • Co-organizer of Southern California Animal Behavior Society meeting (2024)
  • Instructor of lecture, lab and field courses in animal behavior

Alfredo Peretti

Education: Ph.D. The National University of Córdoba, Argentina. 1994; M.S. The National University of Córdoba, Argentina, 1989. Pos-doc: Universidad de Costa Rica & CONICET, 2001 (and to date other research visits and cooperation in the USA, Mexico, Brazil, Uruguay, England, Italy, and Germany).

Current Position: Associate Professor, The National University of Córdoba, Argentina. Senior Researcher at the CONICET, Argentina.

ABS and Related Activities:

  • Member of ABS since 2002
  • Attended ABS annual meetings
  • 35 years of research on reproductive biology, exceptions in behavior and evolution
  • Frequent reviewer for the ABS journal and publications. I encourage the members of my laboratory to participate in ABS meetings, within our financial possibilities, and to publish in the journal. We are always grateful for the interchange and support from the Society
  • Council of three other professional societies and scientific institutions of behavior
  • Past Co-Chair of the Department of Biological Diversity & Ecology (UNC, Argentina)
  • Coordinator of the Laboratory of Reproductive Biology & Evolution, Institute of Animal Diversity & Ecology (IDEA, CONICET-UNC), Argentina.



Elsah Arce

Education:  Doctor degree, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 2013.

Current Position:Full research-professor, Department of Hydrobiologia. Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos, México.

ABS and Related Activities:

  • 16 years of research on aquatic animal behavior
  • Two students with Grant Animal Behavior Society (ABS), Developing Nations Research.
  • Poster and oral presentations for me and my students.
  • Elizabeth Hobson

    Education: Ph.D., Biology Department, New Mexico State University (2013); BA Environmental Studies, McGill University (2004)

    Current Position: Associate Professor, Department of Biological Sciences, University of Cincinnati

    ABS and Related Activities: I have been attending ABS since 2006 and consider it to be my “home society”. I have provided ABS service as a grant reviewer, symposium organizer, Turner mentor, and Allee judge. I also co-organize the ABS-funded SIGNAL Program (Supporting Inclusion in Graduate Networks & Leadership) and co-run the annual SIGNAL Graduate Student Webinar and year-long peer networking initiative. I was honored to receive the ABS Outstanding New Investigator award in 2024. I’m excited to contribute more to ABS!

    Research foci: Animal sociality, dominance hierarchies, social cognition


    Program Officer-Elect:

    Kasey Fowler-Finn

    Education:  2009 Ph.D. University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE USA. Advisor: EA Hebets. Ecology, Evolution, Behavior. Thesis: Exploring the maintenance of and selection on two distinct male morphs in a Schizocosa wolf spider.

    Current Position: Associate Professor, Department of Biology, Saint Louis University. Saint Louis, MO USA.

    ABS and Related Activities:

    • Member since 2006; currently a lifetime member.
    • Attendee, 12 ABS conferences
    • Reviewer for the journal Animal Behaviour
    • ABS Outreach Fair 2016, 2018
    • ABS Graduate student grant competition reviewer, 2014 – 2017
    • Mentor for Latin American researchers 2013 – 2016
    • Member of the Latin American Affairs Committee, 2024 – present
    • Member of the Diversity Committee 2019 – present
    • Turner Mentor, 2016, 2018.
    • Co-Director and facilitator of the Turner Program 2020 – present
    • Invited panelist “Becoming a JEDI (Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion) Mentor: Strategies for Inclusive Mentoring.” ABS 2021.
    • Invited presenter, Cultural Competency workshop. ABS 2019.
    • Animal Behavior Society Allies Program. 2022.
    • Organizer of multi-day symposium paired with workshop and panel discussions: Increasing the visibility of LGBTQ+ scientists and building a queer-friendly community in the Animal Behavior Society. ABS 2024.
    • Worked with multiple committees to organize and facilitate workshops, including: Field Safety by Field Inclusive (ABS 2024), Inclusive mentoring (ABS 2023), Field Safety (ABS 2023), and Turner (numerous years).

      Executive Editor

      Scott Sakaluk

      Education:  Scott Sakaluk received his B.Sc. (honors, 1978) and M.Sc. (1981) from Brock University in St. Catharines, Ontario, and his Ph.D. from the University of Toronto in 1986. Following a brief stint as a NSERC post-doctoral fellow in the Department of Entomology at the University of Arizona, he accepted a position as a behavioral ecologist in the Department of Biological Sciences at Illinois State University in 1987.

      Current Position: Distinguished Professor Emeritus School of Biological Sciences Illinois State University

      ABS and Related Activities:

      • Animal Behaviour Society: i) member since 1984, ii) manuscript reviewer, iii) Research Grants Committee 1999-2001, 2010, 2014; iv) judge, Developing Nations Award 1999
      • Former editor of Ethology (2003-2007) and Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology (2012-2018)
      • NSF review panel member: i) IBN: Animal Behavior, 1997-99, 2003; ii) IOB: Behavioral Systems Cluster, 2006; iii) IOS: Behavioral Systems, 2007


      Communications Officer

      Stotra Chakrabarti

      Education:  Undergraduate: Zoology (honors) Botany (minor), Presidency College, Kolkata, India (2007-2011); MS: Wildlife Sciences at Wildlife Institute of India, India (2011-2013); PhD: Wildlife Science (Discipline: Animal Behavior), Forest Research Institute University, India (2014-2018), Post-doc: University of Minnesota Twin Cities, USA (2019-2021)

      Current Position: Assistant Professor of Animal Behavior; Department of Biology, Macalester College, Minnesota, USA

      ABS and Related Activities:

      • ABS Member: 2022-current
      • Member, Diversity Committee, ABS, 2024-2027
      • 2022: San José, Costa Rica, abstract accepted for oral presentation (could not attend because of visa issues)
      • 2022-2023: Reviewer for Student Research & Developing Nations Grants, ABS
      • 2023: ABS Portland, Oregon - oral presentation by Stotra Chakrabarti and one poster presentation by researcher in Stotra’s lab (Avery Munster, Charles Turner Fellow)
      • 2023: Career Diversity Travel Award Recipient
      • 2023: Session Moderator, Social Behavior 2 session, 60th Annual Conference of the Animal Behavior Society, Portland
      • 2023: Turner Mentor for 60th Annual Conference of the Animal Behavior Society, Portland
      • 2024: Reviewer for Career Diversity Award for 61st ABS Meeting, London, Ontario
      • 2021 & 2023: Presenter at the 1st and 2nd Animal Behavior Twitter Conference
      • 2021: Session Chair, Foraging Session, Animal Behavior Twitter Conference (#AnimBehav2021)
      • 2023: Session Chair, Foraging & Movement Session, 2nd Animal Behavior Twitter Conference (#AnimBehav2023)
      • Trained Ally at ABS conference 2022-23


      Kate L. Laskowski

      Education:  2013 PhD, University of Illinois (UIUC), Dept. of Evolution, Ecology & Behavior

      Current Position: Assistant Professor, University of California Davis, Dept. of Evolution & Ecology

      ABS and Related Activities: I consider ABS to be my home society. I started attending ABS meetings when I was a graduate student and look forward to every one! I deeply value the relationships I’ve built up over the years within our community and know that they have been a major contributor to my advancement in my career. These relationships have been strengthened by my involvement in the society. I’ve participated as a judge in our annual poster awards at several meetings. I’ve also served as a reviewer for our annual graduate student research awards. Now, as I become a more ‘mid-career’ researcher, I am excited to (hopefully!) step into more leadership positions and contribute to our society in more systematic ways. I am excited for the role of Communications Officer as I think it plays to my strengths as a community builder and communicator and look forward to working more closely with the members of the EC to better understand and contribute to how our society is run.



      Norman Lee

      Education:  Doctor of Philosophy, Cell and Systems Biology, University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada (2006-2012)

      Current Position: Director of the Neuroscience Program and Associate Professor of Biology, St. Olaf College, Northfield, MN, USA

      ABS and Related Activities: Dr. Norman Lee served on the Diversity Committee (DC) from 2017 to 2022. During his tenure, he contributed to several initiatives, including the Turner Program Workshops, Graduate School Info Sessions, and the establishment of the Excellence in DEI Plenary at the annual meetings. Dr. Lee is also a trained facilitator for the Inclusive STEM Teaching Project and co-facilitated a learning community for ABS. From 2022 to 2025, Dr. Lee served as Secretary of the society. In this role, he documented meeting minutes for the Presidents' monthly meetings and Executive Committee (EC) meetings, as well as developed the society's newsletters.


ABS Newsletter

Send general correspondence concerning the Society to Norman Lee, Secretary, at: [email protected]. Deadlines for materials to be included in the Newsletter are the 15th of the month preceding each issue. Articles submitted by members of the Society and judged by the Secretary to be appropriate are occasionally published in the ABS newsletter. The publication of such material does not imply ABS endorsement of the opinions expressed by contributors.

Animal Behavior Society Website: http://www.animalbehaviorsociety.org

Animal Behaviour

Animal Behavior, manuscripts and editorial matters: Authors should submit manuscripts online to Elsevier’s Editorial System (http://ees.elsevier.com/anbeh/). For enquiries relating to submissions prior to acceptance, contact the Journal Manager ([email protected]). For enquiries relating to submissions after acceptance, visit Elsevier at http://www.elsevier.com/journals. For other general correspondence, contact Kris Bruner, Managing Editor, Animal Behaviour, Indiana University, 409 N. Park Avenue, Bloomington, IN 47408, USA. E-mail: [email protected]. Phone: 812-345-0497.

Change of address, missing or defective issues: ABS Central Office, 2111 Chestnut Avenue, Suite 145, Glenview, IL 60025, US. Phone: 312-893-6585. Fax: 312-896-5614. E-mail: [email protected].