Delia S. Shelton, , 1st Member-at-Large
Chair, 2024 Student Research Grant Committee
We are pleased to announce the recipients of the 2024 Student Research Grants and the Developing Nations Research Awards. We received many high-quality proposals, but as in previous years, the number of applications exceeded the number we could fund. We received a total of 133 applications across all award categories, and were able to award funding to 55 applicants.
Each proposal was reviewed independently by at least 2 referees, who provided evaluations and constructive feedback for the student grant writers. As always, members of the Society went above and beyond to provide constructive reviews. The Research Grant Committee extends a very heartfelt thank you to the following (128) volunteer referees:
Adwait Deshpande, AlizÈe Vernouillet, Amanda Puitiza,Amber Lea Kincaid, Ana Melisa Fernandes, Anastasia Madsen, Andre Vieira Rodrigues, Andrea Grunst, Andrea Sommese, Angela Brierly, Anita Aisenberg, Ann Hedrick, Anne Clark, Anne Jacobs, Anuradha Bhat, Becca Hale, Becca Windell, Becky Talyn, Ben Sandkam, Bethany Baxley, Brian Leavell, Brittany Coppinger, Bronwyn Bleakley, Charles Walcott, Chase LaDue, Cheng-Yu Li, Chi-Yun Kuo, Chinmay Hemant Joshi, Chris Clark, Christina Kolbmann, Claudia Rauter, Clayton Vondriska, Courtney Sexton, Desmond Maynard, Dimitri Blondel, Elvira D'Bastiani, Emilie Snell-Rood, Emily Behrman, Emily DuVal, Eric Walters, Farah Hanis, Gitanjali Gnanadesikan, Grace Smith-Vidaurre, Guillermo ValiÒo, Heather Waye,Hernan Canon Jones, Isaac Ligocki, Jason Carbaugh, Jason Keagy, Jay Mager, Jeff Podos, Jennifer Mather, Joseph Leese, Joseph Niederhauser, Josephine Hubbard, Joshua LaPergola, Juan Vazquez, Julie Murphree, Karen Mabry, Katherine Houpt, Kathleen Munley, Kavita Isvaran, Kelsey McCune, Kevin Judge, Lauren Pharr, Leslie Curren, Lisa Gunter, Lori LaPlante, Lourdes Arteaga, Luberson Joseph, Luiz Henrique Santana, Maria Albo, Mariana Pueta, Mariela Oviedo Diego, Mary Jane West-Eberhard, Mauricio Cantor, Megan Freiler, Meghan Maciejewski, Melissa Grunst, Melissa Loftin, Melissa Shyan-Norwalt, Michael Cramer, Michael Reichert, Michele Johnson, Molly McEntee, Mystera Samuelson, Ned Dochtermann, Noa Pinter-Wollman,Nora Carlson, Oded Keynan, Paul Nealen, Paula Pouso, Paula Verzola-Olivio, Pearl Rivers, Peter Bednekoff, Philip Queller, Pierre-Paul Bitton, Piyumika Suriyampola, Pizza Chow, Rajath Siddaganga, Raunak Sen, Sarah Jennings, Sarah King, Shailee Shah, Shala Hankison, Shannon O'Brien, Shea Cogswell, Simon Garnier, Stephen Zawistowski, Subhashis Halder, Sue Margulis, Susan Jenks, Susan Villarreal, Tasmin Rymer, Taylor Evans, Tina Barbasch, Tom Contreras, Trish Sevene, Usan Dan, Valentina Gascue, Victoria Farrar, Wendi Wolfram, Wiliam Ku- Peralta, William Botta, William Searcy, Yetunde Adaramola, Yihang Park, Yseult HÈjja-Brichard.
We were helped immensely by Mellisa Paa at SPLTrak, who administered the online grant submission and review system, which ran smoothly. Thank you also to Adrianna Maldonado-Chaparro (2nd Member-at-Large) and Swanne Gordon (3rd Member-at-Large), who made important contributions during the entire process. Most importantly, we want to thank all the members of the Society who have supported this program over the years and who have donated funds to make this program such a success.
Julis Tabin, Understanding the Molecular Basis of Entomophthora muscae Behavioral Manipulation
AMY R. SAMUELS Cetacean Behavior and Conservation Award
Meredith McQueeney, Mother Knows Best: Do Indo-Pacific Bottlenose Dolphins in Shark Bay, Western Australia Teach Their Calves Foraging Tactics?
Molly Byrne, Assumptions about knowledge access in domestic dogs (Canis familiaris)
Karendeep Sidhu, The impact of heatwaves on Urbanised Guppies (Poecilia†reticulata) reproductive success |
Brittany Hamauei, Navigating Complexity: The Interplay of Social Environment and Predation on the Development of Boldness and Cognitive Flexibility in Xiphophorus nigrensis |
Tristan Franzetti, Mechanisms of niche differentiation in the Cheirogaleidae |
Shiho Ozeki, The Impact of Gender-Bending Pollution on Reproductive Ecology in an Australian Marine Fish |
Eric Arredondo, Mechanisms driving behavioral responses to predator-induced stress in male threespine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) |
Facundo Fernandez-Duque, Parental Care Plasticity as an Adaptation for Rapid Environmental Change |
Aurelia Valente, Behavioral Spectrums as a Possible Mechanism for Phylogenetic Diversity |
Ella Henry, Quantifying the Fitness Consequences of Collective Perception in Garden Eel Colonies Through Model Predation Attacks |
Megan Mollinari,The Impact of Oxytocin on Social Behavior and Fitness in Symphodus ocellatus |
Kanika Rajput, Linking Ecological Resources with Social Demographics to Understand the Impact of Urbanization on a Cooperatively Breeding Paleotropical Bird, Jungle Babbler (Argya striata) |
Emily Sperou, Assessing the Reproductive Physiology of Resident Leopard Seals in Chile |
Leeah Richardson, How Does Ecological Specialization Influence Associative Learning Texas Longhorn Bees? |
Leslie Paige, Remote Sensing for Detailing Spatial Ecology of Critically Endangered Black-and-White Ruffed Lemurs (Varecia variegata) and Diademed Sifaka (Propithecus diadema) |
Leri Faith, Identifying Molecular Mechanisms Underpinning Novel Cue Integration |
Rikki Laser, Organizational impact of ambient temperature on alloparental behavior and the brain |
Anna Tipton, Leveraging animal-borne accelerometer data logging of cryptic behaviors in a nocturnal, ambush hunting specialist to investigate the behavioral impacts of artificial light at night |
Marquise Henry, Understanding a Behavioral Syndrome in a Global Invader: The Role of Hippocampal Dopamine in Regulating Neophobia |
Taylor Bastian, Socially-mediated fitness consequences of environmental variation |
Alex Winsor, Visual object categorization in the jumping spider brain |
Chanda Ritobroto, Adaptive responses of avian societies to disturbance: Exploring cooperative breeding strategies |
Brandi Christiano, Eavesdropping in Neotropical Fruit Bats: Exploring Social Information Use in Foraging |
Joshua Rivera, Chemical Communication in a Clade of Parthenogenetic and Sexually Reproducing Lizards: Using Genetic Techniques to Understand Lizard Behavior |
Juleyska Vazquez-Cardona, Why Do Male Birds Sing So Fast? |
Ricardo Gilbert, Using a Behavioral Approach to Understand Potential Competition and Displacement among Invasive House Geckos |
Sjoerd Vos, Social Buffering of Climate Change: the Relationship between Climate, Social Organization and Individual Fitness in a Promiscuous, Aridity-Adapted Ground Squirrel (Xerus inauris) |
Jana Woerner, Using biologging technologies to study group hunting in a social carnivore |
Smruti Pimplikar, Bumbling Brilliance: Exploring Cognitive Variability in Bumblebees Through Reversal Learning and Neuromorphological Insights |
Bana Kabalan, Investigating the Role of Phenotypic Plasticity on Intraspecific Behavioral Trait Variation |
Jessica Karr, Thermogenic Capacity During Spring Snowstorms in a High-altitude Migrant Songbird |
Sydney Szwed, The Link Between Male Aggression and Immunity: A Critical but Neglected Life-History Trade-off |
Kelly Laing, Behavioral Ecology Study of Przewalski Horses using Drones and Artificial Intelligence |
Sarah Mueller, Movement Patterns and Prospecting in Juvenile Savannah Sparrows |
Julia Boldrick, Is Timing Everything? Examining the importance of parasitism timing to cowbird chick success |
Angelina Piette, Mutual Mate Choice and Courtship Duet Dynamics in a Neotropical Frog |
Alex Salazar, Behavioural differences between the leading edge and core of the invasive range of the cellar spider, Pholcus manueli (Araneae, Pholcidae) |
Nelsy Nióo, Uncovering the functional role of vocal mimicry behavior in Colombian Seedeaters |
MA Sekhar, Understanding shoaling behavior and foraging efficiency among fish shoals: A behavioral approach to test higher-order IGEs using network analysis |
Josie McPherson, Are consistent individual differences in behaviour maintained across sexual maturation in amphibian species Xenopus Tropicalis? |
Patrick Cunnigham, The Quest for Canis Clarity: Revisiting Taxonomic Boundaries of Red and Eastern Wolves |
Kristin Gaffney, Color as a social status signal in anemonefishes |
Matthew Gardiner, How the environment and maternal styles combine to influence social competence in young Barbary macaques (Macaca sylvanus) |
Janelle Talavera, How colorful sexual signals may create reproductive isolation and speciation in a Neotropical lizard |
Hugo Ferreira, Mapping the sounds of individuality: The acoustic communication of the goytac·-rat (Cerradomys goytaca) as a predictor of individual differences in behavior |
Guillermo Vallarino Orozco, Is Harassment of Pups a Limiting Factor for the Establishment of a Reproductive Site for the Guadalupe Fur Seals in the San Benito Archipelago, Mexico? |
Ibeth Alacún, Alteration in the incubation patterns due to the presence of a competing species and potential consequences on the offspring phenotype.s |
Douglas Fernandes Costa, Do aquatic and terrestrial environments shape variation in size investment of male weapons? |
Melissa Ardila-Villamizar, Raiding in the city: Can semi-urban vervet monkeys read and interpret human body language? |
Bhavya Pratap Singh, The functionality of colour patterns in a seemingly sexually monomorphic species |
Alexandre Palaoro, Behavior as a source of increased mechanical output: How does feeding behavior correlates with claw occlusion? |
Camila Miravalles Stasta, Vocal characteristics of begging calls that elicit parental behavior in a host-brood parasite system |
Rubina Mondal, Exploration of the interplay of behavior, immunity and chronic stress in sheltered Indian free-ranging dogs |
Elizabeth Valdes Claro, Locomotion and refuge use of Cangrejito Barranque (Psuedothelphusa dugesi) in the face of predation risk. |
Hyoseul Hyun, Sexually dimorphic behavioral response to the predator cue and infection in Daphnia |
Eunice Donaji Rodriguez Rafael, Behavioral foraging strategies of female northern elephant seals during the post-molting migration in presence of environmental variability |
Gokul Valiya Parambil, Integrating multiple competitive traits to understand the effect of relative investment in weapons and aggressive behaviour on individual fitness in an annual agamid species |
Congratulations to the recipients of the conference travel awards. These awards were administered by Adriana Maldonado-Chaparro, with the assistance of Delia Shelton and Swanne Gordon (the Members at Large or MALs). For both the Latin American Travel Awards (LATA) and Graduate Student Travel Grants (GSTG), 1-2 MALs independently rated each application, and those scores were combined with a score designated for previous attendance to ABS with higher scores given to participants that have either never attended ABS or only attended ABS virtually. Within those rankings, ties were broken by giving preference to PhD students who were further along in their graduate studies. The top 12 applicants were provided with a $700 award and the others were provided with a $500 award. This year, we received many more deserving applications than we were able to fund, and we appreciate the widespread interest in these awards. We were able to fund 8 of 9 applications for the Latin American Travel Awards, with the top 4 attendees receiving $1400 awards, and others receiving $1100 awards.
LATA awardees for the 2024 conference are:
Paola Resende dos Santos, Universidade de Brasília
Henrique Rufo, University of São Paulo
María del Rosario Jacoby, Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA) and CONICET
Jesus Emmanuel Sanchez Perez, UNAM
Viridiana Contreras Rodriguez, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Nayara Teles, Universidade de Mogi das Cruzes
Mariana Hess, University of São Paulo
Angie Paola Varila Murcia, National University of Colombia
GSTG awardees for the 2024 conference are:
Francis Tillman, The University of Memphis
Sam Walmsley, Dalhousie University
Sarah Winnicki, University of Illinois
Hayley Spina, University of Guelph
Antoine Morel, Memorial University of Newfoundland
Leeah Richardson, University of Texas at Austin
Julia Zeh, Syracuse University
Yi Ting Ter, University of Arkansas
Robbie Ball, City University of New York
Madeleine Zuercher, University of California Los Angeles
Tristan Franzetti, Duke University
Florence Landry, University of Montreal
Rhiannon Eastment, Monash University
Romina Najarro Flores, Purdue University
Shiho Ozeki, Monash University
Lyllian Corbin, Brock University
Jennie DeVore, The University of Texas
Joaquin San Agustin, University of Toronto
Julia Weil, University of Memphis
Daniel Gutierrez, Florida State University
Jordan Graves, University of California Davis
Taylor Readyhough, University of New Hampshire
Leah Gath, Saint Louis University
Hansani Daluwatta, Macquarie University
Eric Arredondo, University of Oklahoma
Student: Brian Lerch. PhD. UNC. E-mail address: [email protected] (B. A. Lerch).
Male-mediated early maturation unlikely to evolve via adaptive evolution
Early Career: Iván Bizberg-Barraza, Posgrado en Ciencias Biológicas, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico. E-mail address: [email protected] (I. Bizberg-Barraza)
Do females plastically adjust hatching asynchrony as a reproductive tactic in response to climatic cues?
Departamento de Ecología Evolutiva, Instituto de Ecología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Ciudad de México, Mexico
Developing Country: Mariela Oviedo-Diego, E-mail address: [email protected]
Communication via female resistance: sexual behavioral modulation and mutual mate choice determinants in a scorpion
Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales, Departamento de Diversidad Biológica y Ecología, Córdoba, Argentina
Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET), Instituto de Diversidad y Ecología Animal (IDEA), Laboratorio de Biología Reproductiva y Evolución, Córdoba, Argentina