Abstracts & Awards

Submit your work to ABS 2018

Presenter Instructions

Oral Presentations

  • Talks will be strictly timed by moderators to keep the concurrent sessions synchronous.
  • Contributed Talks should be 12 minutes long. There will be 3 minutes allotted for questions & transition between speakers.
  • All rooms will have both a Mac and PC connected to the presentation system.
  • Important Note: You will not be able to connect your own computer to the projection system for a contributed or symposium talk.
  • PCs will have Window 10 & MS Office 2017.
  • Macs will have High Sierra (aka macOS 10.13), MS Office 2017 and Keynote (current version).
  • All presentations should be formatted for 4:3 aspect ratio. Power Point: Design -> Slide Size: Standard (4:3).
  • VLC Player is available on the PCs. Apple discontinued support for QuickTime on PC. Please note, VLC will play .MOV, .MP4 and other file types associated with QuickTime. Links to online videos that play directly in the browser/.ppt are more like to play without issue (than embedded files).
  • Please note ‘presenter view’ will NOT be available.
  • It is highly recommended that speakers bring their presentations on a jump drive to their sessions as back-up.
  • All talks must be uploaded using the speaker presentation upload station at least 4 hours before the scheduled presentation time. The Speaker Ready room location and hours will be posted here soon.

Poster Presentations

  • All posters must fit within an area no larger than 42 inches wide X 40 inches high
  • There will be two official poster sessions: Poster Session 1: Friday, August 3, Poster Session 2: Sunday, August 5. We ask that you stand by your poster to discuss your study, as well as answer any questions.
  • See the conference program for your assigned poster number here: http://www.animalbehaviorsociety.org/2018/program-full.php
  • Poster boards will be available by 2 PM on Friday, August 3, and posters can be mounted starting that day. Please place your poster on the board with the correct number leaving the board number visible.
  • Mounting materials will be provided onsite.

Poster Printing

Conference Poster Printing Service 

Poster Printing Cost
Until July 27 50 USD
Service includes printing and shipping.
  • Posters will be printed and shipped to the conference venue.
  • Printed posters may be a maximum of 42 inches WIDE and 40 inches HIGH.
  • Please leave a 1 inch margin (text and graphics) on all sides to ensure proper trimming. Backgrounds may extend to edge.
  • The cost of each print is indicated in the table to the right. No posters will be accepted after July 27.
  • All posters are printed on glossy photographic quality paper at a resolution of 600 DPI.
  • To begin a print order, log into your abstract submission account and click on poster printing.

ePoster Presentations

  • Each digital poster presenter will be provided a 60" touchscreen display attached to computer running Microsoft Windows 10 with Microsoft Powerpoint and Adobe PDF installed.
  • The screen resolution is 1920 px x 1080 px - 16:9 format.
  • You may use either Microsoft Powerpoint or PDF file format for your presentation, in addition to supplemental files such as videos or additional images.
  • We recommend that each presentation begin with a general poster similar to a normal printed poster.
  • One benefit of a digital poster is that you may use links to additional images/slides/movies in your poster. Remember, the display is a touch screen and you will have the ability to zoom in/out as well.
  • Please note that presentation computers WILL NOT be connected to the internet, so please be sure videos are embedded properly (if applicable). Here is one link we can offer with some helpful tips: https://biteable.com/blog/tips/embed-video-powerpoint/

At the Meeting

  • You may test your presentation on the digital presentation kiosk prior to your poster session.
  • You should load your presentation directly on your assigned presentation kiosk via USB at least 15 minutes before your assigned poster session.