The Animal Behavior Society is excited to offer Outreach Grants to support outstanding community engagement efforts by ABS members. We have a responsibility as scientists to engage with the public, and most members of ABS are involved in creative outreach activities.
With this ABS Outreach Grant, we recognize and support a few exceptional programs each year. Currently, awards are up to $1000 each. Winners will share their program on the ABS website (http://www.animalbehaviorsociety.org/web/education-outreachaward.php) as well as through a poster at the ABS annual conference.
This year’s recipients, in alphabetical order, are:
- Anita Aisenberg: Walk on the Wild Side: A Journey with Explorers of the Tiny World, Walk on the Wildside PPT
- Yi-Ru Cheng: Trash for Treats
- Lindsay R. Mehrkam: Unleashing Applied Animal Behavior Science to Underserved Communities
- Heungjin Ryu: Citibats: Citizen Science-based Bat Acoustic Monitoring Program
- Doug Wacker: Urban Bird Project
ABS is seeking proposals for future meeting venues. Sites can be a resort or hotel, university campus or a mixture of the two. Contact ABS Past President Jennifer Fewell at [email protected]
Follow the ABS on Twitter |
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The ABS Social Media Team encourages all members to participate in our online community through Twitter and YouTube, where we cultivate connections in support of the ABS mission. Join us daily as we highlight new articles in Animal Behaviour, share Society announcements, post job opportunities, feature member research/teaching/outreach contributions, and foster a welcoming space for thoughtful discussion of current topics in our field. With nearly 8,000 Twitter users following our account, it’s a powerful platform for science communication, professional networking, and for increasing exposure to our work beyond the ABS community.
Do you have a recent publication that you’d like us to highlight? Email [email protected] with a brief description of the work, and perhaps a photo, and we’ll promote it (and you!) on Twitter.
Are you eager to share a new technique you use to analyze animal behavior? Put together a video in which you clearly explain the technique, and submit it via this form — after a short review process, we’ll post the video on YouTube and share it on Twitter so that others can learn from you!
And as we gear up for our virtual conference this summer, remember to use and follow the hashtag #ABS2021 for conference-related updates, information, and discussion.
Resolutions that deal with timely and substantive political or social issues that members wish to submit for the consideration of the ABS membership should be submitted by May 31, 2021 to President Esteban Fernandez-Juricic, E-mail: [email protected]. Submitted resolutions should provide direction to the ABS President to facilitate prompt action and will be evaluated by the Public Affairs Committee for appropriateness. Resolutions will be voted on at the annual business meeting. Approved resolutions reflect the views of the Animal Behavior Society membership and are sent to the appropriate external agencies, organizations, or to the general public.
Support Link: http://www.animalbehaviorsociety.org/web/support.php
Contributions to the Animal Behavior Society are US tax-exempt under code 501(c)(3). DONATIONS make a big difference in our Society. YOU CAN HELP! The Animal Behavior Society is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting the scientific study of animal behavior. We pride ourselves on being a top quality professional society with very low membership costs. Our Society supports and encourages animal behavior research and outreach through a number of programs and grants. With contributions from you, we can keep these programs in place and help to support animal behavior research, teaching, and outreach. Membership dues include a member's subscription to our journal Animal Behaviour, the monthly Newsletter, and all of the operating expenses of the Society. In order to provide grants and other forms of financial support, we rely on contributions from members like you. Our members, especially our students, need your help. Please access our website to make contributions.
Thanks to a lot of hard work by SPLTrak, ABS is now set up to accept tax-deductible donations of stocks and bonds. Please consider optimizing your tax obligations and helping support ABS. Our student research grants are our biggest line item, and with the demise of the DDIG program they are more valuable than ever!
If you would you like to volunteer for one of the society's 2019 active committees listed below, contact the ABS President, E-mail: [email protected]
Animal Care Committee: Tim Roth, Department of Psychology, Franklin and Marshall College, Lancaster, PA, US. E mail: [email protected]
Conservation Committee: Rachel Y. Chock, Recovery Ecology, San Diego Zoo Institute for Conservation Research, Escondido, CA, US. E-mail: [email protected]
Nominations Committee: Jennifer Fewell, School of Life Sciences, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, US. E-mail: [email protected]
Education Committee: Heather Zimbler-DeLorenzo, Division of Biology, Alfred University, Alfred, New York, US. E-mail: [email protected]
Film Committee: Barbara A. Clucas, Department of Wildlife, Humboldt State University, Arcata, California, US. E-mail: [email protected]
Applied Animal Behavior Committee: Robin L. Foster, Department of Psychology, University of Puget Sound, Tacoma, Washington, US. E-mail: [email protected]
Public Affairs Committee: Danielle J. Whittaker, Michigan State University, Lansing, Michigan, US. E-mail: [email protected]
Board of Professional Certification Subcommittee: Sue Miller McDonnell, PhD, CAAB, University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine Kennett Square, Pennsylvania US. E-Mail: [email protected]
Latin American Affairs Committee: Gabriel Francescoli, Departamento de Etologia, Universidade la República, Montevideo, Uruguay. E-mail: [email protected]
Student Research Grants Committee: Suzy Renn, Department of Biology, Reed College, Portland, OR, US. E-mail: [email protected]
Advancement and Investment Committee: Dan Rubenstein, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, US. E-mail: [email protected]
Diversity Committee: Damien Elias, Department of Environmental Sciences, University of California Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, US. E-mail: [email protected]
The 58th Annual Conference of the Animal Behavior Society
August 3-6, 2021. Virtual Meeting.
- April 14-16, 2021: Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour Easter Meeting, Virtual. https://www.asab.org/conferences-events
- April 29-May 1, 2021: Animal Behavior Management Alliance Conference Annual Meeting, Virtual. https://theabma.org/abma-annual-conference/
- June 21-25, 2021: Evolution 2021. Joint meeting of the American Society of Naturalists, the Society for the Study of Evolution, and the Society of Systematic Biologists, Virtual. https://www.evolutionmeetings.org/
- November 17-20, 2021: American Society of Primatologists meeting, Oklahoma City, OK, USA. https://www.asp.org/asp-meetings/asp-oklahoma-city-meeting-2021/
- September 11-16, 2022: ISBE 2020, 18th International Behavioral Ecology Congress, Melbourne, Australia.
- January 3-7, 2022: Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology (SICB) - Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, USA. http://www.sicb.org/meetings/