As most members are aware, we had a discussion at the ABS Business Meeting in Costa Rica about where to hold ABS Meetings in the future, and specifically how to address the problem that in some potential meeting locations, civil and reproductive rights will be under immediate assault. During the business meeting and in the weeks following, we gathered comments from ABS members and had a society-wide discussion, which culminated in a survey distributed to the membership via email about where the 2023 Animal Behavior Society Meeting should be held.
We had more than 700 responses; these responses indicate that more people want to change the meeting location than want to keep it in Knoxville, TN, as had been originally planned. Specifically, 44% disagreed or strongly disagreed with the statement “In my opinion, ABS should hold the summer 2023 meeting in Knoxville, TN, as previously planned,” while 33% agreed or strongly agreed with the statement. The remainder were neutral.
Among the respondents, 52% agreed or strongly agreed with the statement “I personally would feel comfortable and safe attending the 2023 ABS meeting in Knoxville,” while 27% disagreed or strongly disagreed with the statement. The remainder were neutral. Although most would feel comfortable in Knoxville, 62% of respondents identify as a member of a group whose civil or reproductive rights are threatened in many states in the US and many nations in the world.
Responses about attending if the meeting is in Knoxville were quite diverse – thank you all for sharing your thoughts on this matter. In the aggregate, >50% of respondents said that they prefer it to be elsewhere or will only attend if it is elsewhere. At the same time, many respondents said that they will attend if the meeting is in Knoxville, and some said that they will only attend if it is in Knoxville.
Based on these responses, we have moved the 2023 meeting location to Portland, OR, with dates of 11-15 July, 2023. In addition, we have developed a new ABS policy about meeting locations, which was passed by the Executive Committee on Sep 30th. The new policy is as follows: The Animal Behavior Society strives to create a safe and inclusive environment for its members. Based on the input of members, who were surveyed in August 2022, the Executive Committee of the Society recognizes the importance of holding annual meetings in locations where civil and reproductive rights are protected by law, and where members can therefore expect full access to adequate health care as well as freedom from discrimination and harassment. Consequently, we henceforth entrust the Program Officers and Executive Committee with prioritizing ABS members’ rights and safety, as well as considering location accessibility and cost, in choosing meeting locations.
We want to assure our members that we are keenly aware that all of us face different constraints concerning meeting access, and that Knoxville is the best – indeed only possible – option for some of our members. We will explore ways to enhance meeting accessibility for members for the 2023 meeting, keeping in mind the many different needs and preferences of members.
Thank you, as always, for your commitment to the Animal Behavior Society.