Vol. 67, No. 2 | Fall 2022


Animal Behaviour Live Annual Online Conference 2022

The Animal Behavior Live annual online conference is back for the third year in a row on November 17-18, 2022. This is a fantastic platform for animal behavior researchers from around the world to come together to share their research and insights in making our community sustainable and inclusive.

As always, this conference will be free to attend but please register by clicking here or visiting our website.

The organizing committee is also pleased to announce a collaboration with the team behind the STRANGE framework ( https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-020-01751-5) as part of the events planned for this year's conference. There will be a satellite workshop on how to apply these guidelines to research and to improve the reproducibility of the experiments. You will also have the opportunity to interact live with the authors and ask questions about the framework during the event! Register for the workshop by clicking here. If you do not register, you will not have access to the YouTube link and will not be able to attend the workshop or interact with the authors.

The Animal Behavior Live organization is small (7 early career researchers working on a voluntary basis) and the success of this event is based on the support of our community. For this reason, it would be wonderful if you could spread the word about this event to your colleagues and collaborators who you think may benefit from participating in the congress. To do so, you can find attached a flyer of the event. In addition, if you have a twitter account, you can also follow us (@AnimalBehavLive) and RT our announcement about the congress.

Thank you for your help, and hope to see you at the Animal Behaviour Live: Annual Online Conference 2022.

Kind regards,
The organizing committee
The organizing committee:
Alexis Buatois (https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Alexis_Buatois)
Amanda Facciol (https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Amanda_Facciol)
Ebi Antony George (https://ebiantonygeorge.com/)
Valentin Lecheval (http://vlecheval.eu/)
Kenzy Peña (https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Kenzy-Pena)
Natacha Rossi (https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Natacha_Rossi)
Saeed Shafiei Sabet (https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Saeed_Shafiei_Sabet)

Announcing the NEW Early Career Grant for Conservation Behavior Research

Applicants must be ABS members and may live or work in any country. Members and members-elect of the Executive Committee or the Conservation Committee are not eligible to apply. Applicants must have earned a graduate degree (MS or PhD) within five years of the application deadline, are currently not a student or are not tenured in an academic position, and whose research relates to the field of conservation behavior. As many positions within the field of conservation behavior are non-academic, our aim is to provide support for early career researchers who may be working at non-academic institutions. We encourage applicants in postdoctoral positions, those working with zoos, governmental agencies, or nonprofits, and/or those with temporary positions to apply.

Applications will be accepted through the online Grant Submission System following the Guidelines. Click Here to view General Grant Submission Guidelines.


Dear ABS Members,

We’ve pleased to announce that ABS is now a registered charity with Amazon Smile. This means that, if you have an Amazon account and you choose ABS as your target charity, Amazon will donate 0.5% of your purchase price to ABS.

To sign up, simply open the ‘Your account’ page on Amazon, find the link to choose a Smile charity, and search for ‘Animal Behavior Society.’ Once you’ve signed up, you will need to log into Amazon via https://smile.amazon.com/, and everything after that is automatic.

Thanks for considering ABS as your Amazon charity!

ABS Conservation Committee Workshop Press Release

Media Contact: Rachel Chock, Conservation Committee Chair of the Animal Behavior Society (ABS), [email protected].

Costa Rican Experts and Animal Behavior Researchers Explore Effects of Ecotourism on Wildlife

SAN JOSÉ, COSTA RICA (July 19th, 2022) - The Animal Behavior Society held their annual conference in San José this year and included a special workshop from the Conservation Committee. The workshop included two panels of experts on ecotourism and animal behavior from Costa Rica, Brazil, and the United States, and was attended by over 50 scientists and students from across the world.

One focus of the workshop was a discussion surrounding the impacts of ecotourism on animal behavior and the associated benefits and concerns for wildlife. A global overview of ecotourism was presented virtually by Professor Bernard Kitheka of Missouri State University. Two panels of experts on various aspects of the topic included Professor Luis Sandoval of the University of Costa Rica, Mr. Orlando Vargas and Mr. Joel Alvarado from the Organization for Tropical Studies in Costa Rica, Professor Eduardo Bessa of the University of Brasilia, Ms. Debra Hamilton from the Fundacion Conservacionista Costarricense and the Monteverde Institute, and Mr. Javier Rodriguez-Fonseca of the Promar Foundation. The expert panelists commented on questions posed by the Conservation Committee and the attendees.

As ecotourism continues to become more popular, many research questions remain unanswered as to the short and long-term impacts of these activities on local wildlife. For example, the panel discussed that common practices in ecotourism such as playback, animal manipulation, and feeder use could affect how wildlife behaves in their natural habitats. They also mentioned that pollutants as noise, artificial lights, and solid garbage are negatively affecting the behavior and occurrence of animals closer to ecoturistic areas. A second part of the workshop combined panelists, scientists, and students into small groups to evaluate critical research questions mentioned in the panel discussion and developed different questions to analyze changes in animal behavior to better understand the effects of ecotourism on wildlife. A group of participants plans to continue developing these questions into a scientific publication which will result from the workshop.

For more information about the Conservation Committee or the Animal Behavior Society, please visit www.animalbehaviorsociety.org/web/conservation.php or contact

[email protected].



Contacto con los medios: Rachel Chock, Presidente del Comité de Conservación de la Animal Behavior Society (ABS), [email protected].

Expertos costarricenses e investigadores de comportamiento animal exploran los efectos del ecoturismo en la vida silvestre

SAN JOSÉ, COSTA RICA (19 de julio de 2022) - La Animal Behavior Society celebró su conferencia anual en San José este año e incluyó un taller especial del Comité de Conservación. El taller incluyó dos paneles de expertos en ecoturismo y comportamiento animal de Costa Rica, Brasil y Estados Unidos, y donde asistieron más de 50 científicos y estudiantes de todo el mundo.

Uno de los enfoques del taller fue una discusión sobre los impactos del ecoturismo en el comportamiento animal y los beneficios y preocupaciones asociados con la vida silvestre. El profesor Bernard Kitheka de la Universidad Estatal de Missouri presentó virtualmente una visión global del ecoturismo. Posteriormente se desarrollaron dos paneles de expertos en el tema que incluyeron al Profesor Luis Sandoval de la Universidad de Costa Rica, al Sr. Orlando Vargas y al Sr. Joel Alvarado de la Organización de Estudios Tropicales de Costa Rica, al Profesor Eduardo Bessa de la Universidad de Brasilia, la Sra. Debra Hamilton de la Fundación Conservacionista Costarricense y el Instituto Monteverde, y el Sr. Javier Rodríguez-Fonseca de la Fundación Promar. Los panelistas expertos respondieron y discutieron las preguntas planteadas por el Comité de Conservación y los asistentes.

A medida que el ecoturismo continúa volviéndose más popular, muchas preguntas de investigación siguen sin respuesta en cuanto a los impactos a corto y largo plazo de estas actividades en la vida silvestre local. Por ejemplo, el panel detectó que las prácticas comunes en el ecoturismo, como la reproducción, la manipulación de animales y el uso de comederos, pueden afectar el comportamiento de la vida silvestre en sus hábitats naturales. También mencionaron que los contaminantes como el ruido, las luces artificiales y la basura sólida están afectando negativamente el comportamiento y la ocurrencia de animales cerca de las áreas ecoturísticas. Una segunda parte del taller combinó panelistas, científicos y estudiantes en pequeños grupos para evaluar las preguntas de investigación mencionadas en el panel de discusión, y para desarrollar diferentes formas de analizar los cambios en el comportamiento animal y comprender así los efectos del ecoturismo en la vida silvestre. Un grupo de participantes planea continuar desarrollando estas preguntas en una publicación científica que resultará del taller.

Para obtener más información sobre el Comité de Conservación o la Sociedad de Comportamiento Animal, visite www.animalbehaviorsociety.org/web/conservation.php o póngase en contacto con [email protected].

ABS Newsletter

Send general correspondence concerning the Society to Norman Lee, Secretary, at: [email protected]. Deadlines for materials to be included in the Newsletter are the 15th of the month preceding each issue. Articles submitted by members of the Society and judged by the Secretary to be appropriate are occasionally published in the ABS newsletter. The publication of such material does not imply ABS endorsement of the opinions expressed by contributors.

Animal Behavior Society Website: http://www.animalbehaviorsociety.org

Animal Behaviour

Animal Behavior, manuscripts and editorial matters: Authors should submit manuscripts online to Elsevier’s Editorial System (http://ees.elsevier.com/anbeh/). For enquiries relating to submissions prior to acceptance, contact the Journal Manager ([email protected]). For enquiries relating to submissions after acceptance, visit Elsevier at http://www.elsevier.com/journals. For other general correspondence, contact Kris Bruner, Managing Editor, Animal Behaviour, Indiana University, 409 N. Park Avenue, Bloomington, IN 47408, USA. E-mail: [email protected]. Phone: 812-345-0497.

Change of address, missing or defective issues: ABS Central Office, 2111 Chestnut Avenue, Suite 145, Glenview, IL 60025, US. Phone: 312-893-6585. Fax: 312-896-5614. E-mail: [email protected].