

Allee Symposium for Best Student Paper

Organizer: Eileen Hebets, ABS Second President-Elect

This symposium features outstanding graduate student research, with an award for the best paper, and is a highlight of ABS meetings. The session honors Dr. Warder Clyde Allee (1885–1955), an animal behavior researcher who was very influential in the development and direction of animal behavior research in the 20th century. He was elected to the National Academy of Sciences in 1951 and ranks among the leading twentieth century ecologists, especially for his work in behavioral and animal ecology. In the 202020 ABS Allee Session, students will present their research to ABS members and talk judges. Click here for participation information.

Research Reproducibility in Animal Behavior Symposium

Organizers: Esteban Fernandez-Juricic and Ambika Kamath

The symposium will discuss some of the challenges in making different phases of animal behavior research (data collection, data processing, statistical analysis, reporting results, etc.) reproducible to reduce publication bias. Topics will include:

  • Reasons behind the reproducibility crisis
  • Research errors (P-hacking, HARKing, publication bias, etc.)
  • Collecting behavioral data in a reproducible manner
  • Managing behavioral data in a reproducible manner
  • The value of replicating studies in animal behavior
  • Data synthesis and meta-analysis
  • What should journals do to increase research reproducibility in animal behavior?

Education Committee Workshop: Second Edition of Exploring Animal Behavior in Laboratory and Field

Organizers: Heather Zimbler-DeLorenzo and Sue Margulis

In keeping with the true spirit of the first edition, the editors have solicited submissions from ABS members. We have expanded the scope of coverage and reorganized the way in which activities are presented. The volume will be divided into four main sections: Describing Behavior, Theory of Behavior, Application of Behavior, and Communicating Science. The aim of this workshop is to demonstrate and discuss 6 chapters, representing multiple sections of the book. Not only with this provide us with an opportunity to collect feedback on the chapters, but it will also offer a preview of what the volume offers. Chapters provide variations that permit use in labs, standard class periods, or online learning. A Q&A will follow the recorded presentations. Two chapter authors are paired in each session to discuss their chapters.

Session 1:

  • Olivia Spagnuolo, Darren Incorvaia, Elizabeth Tinsley Johnson, Eila Roberts (presenting author) (Michigan State University): A Question of Behaviors:  How to Design Test, and Use an Ethogram (from Part 1: Describing Behavior)   
  • Eduardo Bessa, University of Brasília, Brazil. Predators Strike and Prey Counterstrike (from part 2: Theory of Behavior)

Session 2 :     

  •  J. Jordan Price (presenting author) St. Mary’s College of Maryland, and Ken Yasukawa, Beloit College. The Evolution of Behavior: a Phylogenetic Approach (from part 2: Theory of Behavior)                     
  • Douglas W. Wacker (University of Washington, Bothell, WA). Examining Variability in the Song of the White-Crowned Sparrow (Zonotrichia leucophrys) (from part 2: Theory of Behavior)

Session 3:

  • Rebecca S. Burton, Alverno College. Learning from the Primary Literature of Animal Behavior (from Part 4: Communicating Science)
  • Andrea M-K Bierema, Michican State University, Writing and Reviewing Grant Proposals (from Part 4: Communicating Science)