The ABS Applied Animal Behavior group will once again host the traditional Public Day event at the ABS Virtual Congress.
This event is free and open to all. No registration required.
All presentations are pre-recorded and available here below.
Animal Behavior Society Public Day 2021 - Building Relationship with our Animals
Karen B. London, PhD, CAAB, CPDT-KA - Improve Your Relationship With Your Dog: Simple things to do that make a big difference (and apply to other species, too)
Human Animal Bond - Feline
Mikel Maria Delgado, PhD, CAAB, CCBC - Using science to build a better relationship with your cat
Monique A. R. Udell, PhD, CAAB - Cats can be social too! Understanding and supporting the human-cat bond
Human Animal Bond - Canine
Natalia Albuquerque, MSc, DSc - Why is it so important to study dog emotions?
Janet Cutler, PhD, CAAB, CPDT-KA - Dominance theory and our relationship with dogs
Edith Katsnelson Ilan, PhD, CAAB - Using interactive activities when building relationships with our dogs
Behavioral Challenges in Dogs
Jessica Lockhart, MS, PhD, CAAB - A discussion of the impact of a behaviorally compromised pet on the human animal bond (HAB)
Alice Moon-Fanelli, PhD, CAAB - Canine Compulsive Behavior: Behavioral Disorder Challenges Dog-Owner Relationship
Camille Ward, PhD, CAAB - Relationship Building between Dogs in Multiple Dog Households: Setting Dogs Up for Success
Current Research
Melissa Gabriela Bravo Fonseca, MSc - Can human behavior influence dog and wolf behavior during training sessions?
Luísa Mascarenhas Ladeia Dutra, PhD - Could our dogs ‘perceived age’ tell us anything about their ageing?
Alejandra Feld, DVM, Esp. - Did COVID-19 lockdown change our (perception of the) relationship with pets? The case of Uruguay