The current preliminary list of ABS 2021 workshops are listed below. More information will be added as it becomes available.
Organized by: Beth Congdon and Danielle N. Lee
Organized by: Damian Elias, Kasey Fowler-Finn, Nora Prior, Jen Hamel, Avery Russel, Cassandra Nuñez, Norman Lee, Jessica Cusick, Chris Schell and Delia Shelton
Despite recent increases in the representation of racial and ethnic minorities in higher education, ongoing disparities experienced by BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) scholars affect their success and retention in STEM fields. The importance of positive mentorship experiences is critical for academic success and life satisfaction, yet BIPOC trainees disproportionately report the absence of positive mentoring experiences. BIPOC scholars face unique challenges in academia and studies have shown that typical “color-blind” mentorship approaches create situations where racial biases and stereotypes are reinforced, further marginalizing BIPOC scientists. When laboratories are culturally responsive and appreciate the unique experiences and strengths that BIPOC trainees bring, trainees are more productive, have a greater sense of belonging, and report improved experiences in the academy.
This training workshop focuses on inclusive and culturally responsive mentorship to improve the mentorship practices of ABS members and the experiences of BIPOC trainees. Through this JEDI workshop, which will be the first in a series of yearly workshops hosted in association with ABS meetings, we can all work to become JEDI masters.
Organized by: Laura K. Sirot, Andrea Bierema, Heather Zimbler-DeLorenzo, Deborah Boege Tobin and Jennifer Mather
2020-2021 was a unique year in many ways. In the context of teaching and learning in Animal Behavior, our community has learned and tried many new pedagogical techniques as well as adapting existing techniques to novel circumstances. Some practices may have worked fantastically, and others did not. Both outcomes provide insights for improving Animal Behavior educational approaches. We discussed in our Mid-year (January) Workshop, "Lessons from Online Teaching and Learning Animal Behavior," what faculty have incorporated or modified in an effort to provide students the best opportunity to learn the material (without having the same in-person experiences). Now, we would like to invite you to meet as a community to share the lessons we have learned from this past year that we will take with us as we move forward with our Animal Behavior-related teaching. What have you learned or practiced this past year that you would like to continue? The ABS Education Committee invites you to contribute to our workshop "Teaching Lessons Learned from a Distance #ABSteach" during the ABS Annual Meeting this summer.
Organized by: Elizabeth Peterson, Deborah Boege-Tobin, Rachel Chock, Barbara Clucas, Cassandra Nuñez and Julie Young
Organized by: Paula A. Trillo, Alycia Lackey,Caitlin Wells,Beth Reinke, Angela Medina-García , Mikel Delgado, Elizabeth Hobson, Delia Shelton and Ginny Greenway
Organized by Claire Horner-Devine, Emília Martins, Jen Fewell, and Zuleyma Tang-Martinez
The goal of our Weaving the Future of Animal Behavior (WFAB) initiative is to advance the future of animal behavior science by supporting and promoting community and professional development for early career professionals through workshops, symposia, and long-term, multi-level mentoring. Workshop participants are early career animal behavior professionals, including pre-tenure faculty and advanced postdocs. We particularly encourage women and scientists from underrepresented groups in animal behavior to apply. CLICK HERE TO APPLY.
Application deadline is May 21 2021. Please contact [email protected] with any questions.