ABS 2015: Warder Clyde Allee Award
The 2015 Warder Clyde Allee Session for Best Student Paper Competition will be held during the annual meeting of the Animal Behavior Society scheduled June 10 through 14 at the University of Alaska, Anchorage. All eligible students are encouraged to participate.
Eligibility requirements: Any independent graduate student research (including, but not limited to, the doctoral dissertation) is eligible. The work presented may be part of a larger collaborative effort, but the student must be first author and have principal responsibility for conceptualization and design of the research, collection and analysis of the data, and interpretation of the results. The entrant cannot have been awarded the Ph.D. degree before the preceding ABS annual meeting (for 2015, this date is Aug. 9, 2014). An individual can enter the session only once per lifetime.
To enter: Interested students must 1) check the appropriate box in the online abstract submission system for the annual meeting; 2) submit an electronic version of their paper as specified below; 3) confirm that they meet all eligibility requirements; 4) present a spoken version during the 2015 Annual Meeting; and 5) attend both the Allee welcoming dinner and the awards ceremony during the Annual Meeting.
Applications, including the written paper, are due March 17th, 2015 (this is two weeks before the meeting abstract submission deadline). This enables the Allee judges to evaluate the written papers and to determine which applicants will be invited to present their research during the Allee Symposium at the annual meeting, before the abstract submission deadline. Applications consist of a cover letter with addresses and phone numbers, and a manuscript in PDF format (see below for details). Applications for 2015 will be collected via the online abstract submission system.
Manuscripts should consist of no more than seven double-spaced, line-numbered, text pages, plus no more than a total of four tables and/or figures. This limit does not include abstract, references, or acknowledgments. Papers MUST be formatted using the instruction for authors for a research paper in the journal Animal Behaviour to insure eligibility (author instructions: http://bit.ly/1tfykZF). If significant new results arise after submission, students may submit a one-page addendum to their papers up to 30 days before the first day of the Annual Meeting. Questions should be addressed to ABS Second President-Elect, Bill Searcy ([email protected]).
Undergraduates who submit posters for presentation at the annual meeting of the Animal Behavior Society are automatically entered in the Genesis Award poster competition unless they indicate they do not want to be included in the competition when they submit their abstract. Judging criteria include: significance of the research topic, research methods, research results, and presentation. Presentation encompasses the student's oral discussion with the judges and the poster itself, including clear statements of the questions and results, demonstration that there has been appropriate literature review, good organization and visual appeal. Students should be prepared to demonstrate a mastery of their subject material. Information about this award is available at the ABS website link: http://www.animalbehaviorsociety.org/web/awards-genesis.php. Further information, if needed, can be obtained from the chair of the Genesis subcommittee, Sarah Humfeld (E-mail: [email protected]).
Applications for 2015 will be collected via the online abstract submission system and all materials are due by March 17th, 2015 (this is two weeks before the abstract submission deadline).
Latin American Travel Award, 2014-15
The Latin American Travel Awards are intended to encourage greater participation of Latin American researchers in ABS meetings, by helping to defray the costs of international travel, housing and/or meals at meetings. The deadline for applications is the last day of abstract submissions (March 31, 2015).
Given the eligibility criteria below, priority will be given to Ph.D. students who are attending an ABS meeting for the first time and who have not received a Latin American Travel Award in previous years. Award values vary according to funds available. Candidates are prioritized according to the quality of their abstracts and CVs.
Eligibility: Latin American Travel Awards are restricted to Latin American graduate students enrolled in programs in Latin American institutions, who will be presenting a talk/poster at the annual ABS meeting.
All application materials should be submitted using the ABS online abstract submission system:
- your submitted abstract, including the title
- your curriculum vita (CV)
- a brief statement about your previous attendance at ABS meeting and previous Latin American Travel Award(s).
Checks in US dollars for the amount of the award will be mailed directly to recipients following announcement of the results. Applicants are responsible for currency exchange and any bank fees.
Diversity Fund Student Registration Fee Award
The Diversity Fund Student Registration Fee Awards are intended to encourage participation and defray costs of attending the annual Animal Behavior Meetings by covering registration fees for graduate students and, in some cases (see below), established professionals, of under-represented minorities. Awards will be made by lottery of all valid applications received before the deadline, prior to the ending of abstract submissions for the upcoming meeting. Applications for 2015 will be collected via the online abstract submission system and all materials are due by March 31st, 2015. Preference will be given to individuals presenting research results. General questions should be directed to ABS Diversity Committee Chair, Daniel Howard ([email protected]).
Eligibility: Applicants from North America must be enrolled in a graduate program at the time of application and must be members of under-represented minorities who are of African, Asian, or Latin American descent or of Native American heritage. Citizens (graduate students or established professionals) of Latin American countries and non-white citizens of African countries are also encouraged to apply.
Charles H. Turner Travel Award
The Diversity Committee of the Animal Behavior Society is calling for nominations for the 2015 Charles H. Turner Award. This program, previously funded by an NSF grant but now supported entirely by the Society, is a travel grant that supports the goals of increasing the diversity of our membership through support for undergraduate students to attend the annual meeting. Selected Turner Program Fellows will receive support to travel to the 52nd Annual Conference being held in Anchorage (http://abs2015.org/), and participate in a one-day workshop structured to integrate students into both the meeting experience and the broader community of the Animal Behavior Society.
The Diversity Committee will review all complete applications and award decisions will be made by March 17, 2015. Interested undergraduate students should contact the Animal Behavior Society Chairperson, Dr. Daniel R. Howard ([email protected]) for an application, and we encourage those from traditionally under-represented groups to apply for this unique professional development opportunity.
Applications for 2015 are being collected online and all materials are due on February 23, 2015. Click here for more information and to apply.
The Latin American Affairs Committee and/or Diversity Committee can provide letters of invitation to help scientists (faculty or students) from developing countries obtain travel funding from their universities in order to attend the ABS meeting in 2015. If such a letter would be useful in helping you to obtain funding, please contact either the Latin American Affairs Committee Chair, Lilian T. Manica ([email protected]) or the Diversity Committee Chair, Daniel Howard ([email protected]) to request an invitation. Please provide your name and address, as well as the title or topic of the paper you plan to present at the conference.
The Animal Behavior Society has a series of Career Awards which include the following: Distinguished Animal Behaviorist - outstanding lifetime achievement in animal behavior; Exemplar Award - major long-term contribution to animal behavior; Outstanding New Investigator - outstanding contribution by a new investigator; Quest Award - outstanding seminal contribution; Exceptional Service Award - sustained service contributions to the Animal Behavior Society; and the Penny Bernstein Distinguished Teaching Award - distinguished contributions in teaching animal behavior to undergraduates. All members of the society are encouraged to prepare and submit nominations for these awards. To aid the Selection Committee and to help codify the procedures involved, the following items must be submitted for a nomination: (1) a letter of nomination indicating the award for which the nominee is being proposed. It should provide details on the reasons the nominee should be considered for that award; (2) a curriculum vitae of the nominee; and (3) additional supporting letters from colleagues solicited by the nominator. The Call for Nominations will be published in the August Newsletter and the deadline for submission of material will be Nov. 30th, 2015. Further instructions will be forthcoming. Recipients of the 2015 awards will receive their awards during the Awards Ceremony at the 53rd annual meeting in Columbia, Missouri in 2016.
An endowment fund has been established in memory of George W. Barlow for the purpose of encouraging excellence in graduate student research in the field of animal behavior. The Barlow Award will be awarded annually to one top-ranked proposal in the Student Research Grant cycle in accordance with the most recent ABS Student Research Grant competition rules. A cash award and a certificate will be given to the student selected. The amount of the Barlow Award will be the maximum amount allowed for a Student Grant Award as specified in the most recent ABS bylaws or policies.
If you would like to make a US tax-deductible donation to this cause, please use our online donation system: http://www.animalbehaviorsociety.org/web/support.php
You may also send donations by mail to: ABS Central Office, 2111 Chestnut Avenue, Suite 145, Glenview, IL 60025, USA (with appropriate notation for this fund).
We will recognize major donors in a future issue of the Newsletter. Thanks to Dr. Judy Stamps for arranging for ABS to manage this endowment and for her generous seed donation.