ABS 2023 Workshops
Introduction to Inclusive Mentoring
Co-Organizers: Jen Hamel, Damian Elias, Ximena Bernal, Cassandra Nuñez
Taking students across town or across the world: Developing a guide for inclusive experiences for leaders and student participants
Co-Organizers: Clara Voorhees, Andrea Bierema, Nora Prior, Kasey Fowler-Finn, Anne Clark
Weaving the Future of Animal Behavior: A professional-development workshop for pre-tenure faculty and postdoctoral researchers in animal behavior
Co-Organizers: Christine Miller, Gail Patricelli
Why and How to integrate wild animal welfare into behavioral research
Chair: Dr. Janire Castellano Bueno
Co-Chairs: Dr. Anne Safiya Clay, Dr. Vittoria Elliott, Grey Fernandez
Using drones and computer vision to study animal movement and behavior in the wild
Chair: Adwait Deshapande
Co-Chairs: Benjamin Koger, Jeffrey T. Kerby, Jacob Graving, Blair Costelloe
VIRTUAL Workshop: WFAB: Peer-mentoring Circles for Graduate Students in Animal Behavior
Co-Organizers: Alex Trillo, Alycia Lackey, Caitlin Wells, Beth Reinke, Elizabeth Hobson, Delia Shelton, Ginny Greenway
ABS 2023 Travel Information, Accommodations, Childcare
All non-USA citizens will need a valid passport (and in some cases, a travel visa) to travel to the USA.
Please visit our website for information on Accommodations: https://www.animalbehaviorsociety.org/2023/hotel.php
Please see the link provided below for information on Childcare:
The Animal Behavior Society offers grants to enable families with children to bring a care-giver to the meeting or to pay a care-giver to remain at home with the children. Please check the link below for information about the ABS Childcare Grants: https://www.animalbehaviorsociety.org/web/awards-caregiver.php