Submission Deadline: December 5th, 2014.
Please note that submissions will not be accepted after the submission deadline of December 5th. Students who have paid their society dues in full prior to the submission deadline will be eligible to submit a grant application. All students must contact the ABS Central Office prior to Monday, 24 November 2014 so we can verify and activate their account on the grants submission site or they will not be able to log in and submit their materials.
Application instructions are available on the grant application website here:
If you have any questions about your membership or the submission process, contact the ABS Central Office ([email protected]).
More information about the Student Research Grants can be found on the Animal Behavior Society website here:
Submission Deadline: December 5th, 2014.
Applicants for the following grants may apply via a single application process: ABS Student Research Grant; E. O. Wilson Conservation Award; George W. Barlow Award; Amy R. Samuels Cetacean Behavior & Conservation Award; Developing Nations Research Grant.
Note: Applicants may receive only one of the following grants in a lifetime: ABS Student Research Grant; E. O. Wilson Conservation Award; George W. Barlow; Amy R. Samuels Cetacean Behavior & Conservation Award.
ABS Student Research Grant
ABS Student Research Grants for graduate student research are awarded at a level of US$500 to $2000 each, depending on referee evaluations.
E. O. Wilson Conservation Award
The Edward O. Wilson Conservation Award seeks to encourage graduate students of animal behavior to participate in meaningful conservation-related research. This single grant of up to US$2000 supports a proposal considered meritorious for its integration of behavior and conservation. The award is named for Dr. E. O. Wilson, professor at Harvard University, one of the world's preeminent scientists and pioneers in biodiversity conservation. Dr. Wilson received the ABS Distinguished Animal Behaviorist Award in 2002.
George W. Barlow Award
The George W. Barlow Award's purpose is to encourage excellence in graduate student research in the field of animal behavior. This grant will be given annually to one top-ranked proposal in the Student Research Grant cycle in accordance with the most recent ABS Student Research Grant competition rules.
Amy R. Samuels Cetacean Behavior & Conservation Award
The purpose of the Amy R. Samuels Cetacean Behavior & Conservation Award is to provide financial support for graduate students studying cetacean behavior and/or cetacean conservation in natural environments. The goal of this grant is to encourage original and significant research that focuses on endangered populations or species, or on critically important problems in cetacean behavioral biology. A grant of up to US $2000 will be made to a successful applicant. The grant must be used for field research; it cannot be used for laboratory research. This grant will be awarded only if there are proposals deemed worthy by the committee in any given year. Thus, there may be years in which no award is made. Eligible applicants must: (1) be enrolled in a Masters or Doctoral Program in a University accredited by a regional college association, (2) be members in good standing of one of the following professional societies: Animal Behavior Society or Association of the Study of Animal Behaviour. ASAB members planning to apply for this grant must contact the Central Office ([email protected]) prior to the submission deadline (specified above) to be able to submit an application through the ABS web site.
Animal Behavior Society Developing Nations Research Grant
ABS announces the annual Developing Nations Research Grant Competition. The funds are intended to provide financial support for scientific studies of animal behavior conducted by current Animal Behavior Society student members, as well as more established researchers, who are residents of a developing nation and are conducting research at an institution in a developing nation. Please note that developing nation student members of ABS are also eligible to apply for the annual Student Research Grants Competition, and are eligible to receive both a Developing Nations Research grant and a Student Research Grant, but not in the same year.
ABS uses the World Bank’s classification of nations by income (excluding all “high-income” and OECD member economies) to identify Developing Nations. Please refer to the following website to check that your nation qualifies: Grants are awarded for research to be conducted within a 1-year period from the date of receipt of this grant.
Latin American Travel Award, 2014-15
The Latin American Travel Awards are intended to encourage greater participation of Latin American researchers in ABS meetings, by helping to defray the costs of international travel, housing and/or meals at meetings. The deadline for applications is the last day of abstract submissions or the end of early registration (whichever occurs first) - Date TBA.
Given the eligibility criteria below, priority will be given to Ph.D. students who are attending an ABS meeting for the first time and who have not received a Latin American Travel Award in previous years. Award values vary according to funds available. Candidates are prioritized according to the quality of their abstracts and CVs.
Eligibility: Latin American Travel Awards are restricted to Latin American graduate students enrolled in programs in Latin American institutions, who will be presenting a talk/poster at the annual ABS meeting.
All application materials should be submitted using the ABS online abstract submission system:
- your submitted abstract, including the title
- your curriculum vita (CV)
- a brief statement about your previous attendance at ABS meeting and previous Latin American Travel Award(s).
Checks in US dollars for the amount of the award will be mailed directly to recipients following announcement of the results. Applicants are responsible for currency exchange and any bank fees.
Diversity Fund Student Registration Fee Award
The Diversity Fund Student Registration Fee Awards are intended to encourage participation and defray costs of attending the annual Animal Behavior Meetings by covering registration fees for graduate students and, in some cases (see below), established professionals, of under-represented minorities. Awards will be made by lottery of all valid applications received before the deadline, prior to the ending of abstract submissions for the upcoming meeting. The exact date for this deadline will be announced when the abstract submission deadline is finalized. Applications should be electronically mailed to ABS Diversity Committee Chair, Daniel Howard (E-mail: [email protected]). Please include in the subject line "ABS Diversity" followed by your name. Preference is given to individuals presenting research results.
Eligibility: Applicants from North America must be enrolled in a graduate program at the time of application and must be members of under-represented minorities who are of African, Asian, or Latin American descent or of Native American heritage. Citizens (graduate students or established professionals) of Latin American countries and non-white citizens of African countries are also encouraged to apply.