Abstracts & Awards

Submit your work to
ABS 2023

Abstract Submission

SUBMISSION DEADLINE: March 20, 2023 by 11:59 pm ET

Abstract Submission Guidelines

To be considered for review, abstracts must be submitted by the posted deadline. Abstracts cannot be submitted until meeting registration (including payment) is complete.

Abstract Format

Registrants may submit one science abstract for a talk or poster presentation as well as one education/teaching poster.

ABS policy is that acceptance of submissions for the talk sessions are on a first-come, first-served basis. If a talk slot is not available a poster presentation will be assigned.

The abstract itself should be less than 1200 characters including spaces, but excluding title, authors, and affiliations (about 200 words).

Please complete your submission carefully. All abstracts must be in final form. No typos or other errors can be corrected after the deadline. Abstracts will not be considered or reviewed unless all required fields are completed. Authors may edit abstracts online as long as they meet the submission deadline.

Author Notifications

Talk versus poster presentation assignments will be available in May.

Remember 15 minute talks are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. There are no limits on the number of posters.

For ABS Meeting-related Awards, there is an opportunity in the abstract submission form to specify for which type of award you would like to be considered for.

Please contact us at [email protected] with any questions concerning the abstract submission process.