Conference Events

Silent Auction

The 2023 Annual ABS Meeting is coming up in July and we are excited to be bringing back the Silent Auction from pre-COVID meetings! The silent auction allows members to donate items to auction off to raise money for different funds that benefit student research and conference travel.

What kind of items or services seem to be desirable?

  • Books on Animal Behavior, Biology, Ecology, Conservation, Applied Animal Behavior, etc
  • Autographed books from ABS authors
  • Items with animal themes (t-shirts, jewelry, calendars, decor, greeting cards, posters, etc.)
  • Software useful for members (statistics, data collection, etc.)
  • Videotapes for teaching or entertainment with behavior themes
  • Donations from zoo gift shops
  • Memorabilia from past ABS meetings and members (vintage artifacts)
  • Animal Photography
  • Animal Artwork
  • Statistical consulting, behind-the-scenes tour of the zoo, etc.
  • Items from past meetings
  • Time in privately owned vacation homes
  • Anything legal that appeals to ABS Members!!
Items that you donate for the auction will be placed at the meeting on tables next to bidding forms, or described if the item is not present.

Of course, your donation is tax deductible, as ABS is a non-profit organization.  If you have an item please bring it with you to the meeting in Portland, and bring it by the registration desk to get it in the auction. You will fill out a form, indicate which fund you want to receive the proceeds, and an estimated value of the item. During the meeting, members will visit the tables and bid on items by entering their bid on the bidding form. The auction will continue for several days while members bid against one another. The member with the highest bid at the deadline wins the item and takes it home with them.

If you have any questions, you can email Mia Bonadonna ([email protected]) or the general conference account ([email protected]).

Your donation is greatly appreciated!