Virtual Conference Starts July 24th!

ABS 2023 Virtual Conference Information

The virtual conference will start on July 24th! ABS attendees will have 3-months of access to all on-demand content and posters.

Virtual attendees will have access to the on-demand presentations uploaded by both In-Person and Virtual presentations. Live recordings of the plenary presentations will be available online after the meeting, but no live content from other talks (symposia and contributed) and posters will be available online.

Note that while all in-person presenters are highly encouraged to also upload a copy of their presentation into the virtual meeting platform, some presentations from the live program may not be available online.


We ask that ALL presenters upload a copy of their presentation using the ABS Presenter Portal no later than Sunday, July 23rd so that your presentation is included with the launch of this year's virtual meeting. We have included instructions for both posters and talk presentations below.


  • All speakers (in-person and virtual) are asked to upload a recording of their presentation.
  • The virtual meeting platform will go live July 24th. Please upload a copy of your presentation recording no later than July 23rd.
  • Contributed talks should be no longer than 12 minutes. Symposia/Keynote/Plenary presentations may upload a video the same length as your in-person presentation.
  • All recordings should be uploaded in either .MOV or .MP4 video format.
  • While there are a number of ways to record your presentation, the simplest method is as an export from PowerPoint. You will find instructions on how to record a PowerPoint presentation here:
  • Use the link below to log into your abstract submission account and upload a copy of your presentation recording.
  • Presentations can be in Spanish or Portuguese as long as English is accessible (i.e., words on slides in English, video subtitles in English).
  • Please note that all ABS 2023 attendees will be able to submit questions about your presentation via the virtual meeting portal.


  • All poster presenters (in-person and virtual) are also asked to upload a copy of their poster presentation as an ePoster.
  • The virtual meeting platform will go live July 24th. Please upload a copy of your presentation no later than July 23rd.
  • Your ePoster should be uploaded as either a PDF or JPG file (which can be exported from PowerPoint) and we recommend using a 4:3 (wide:high) aspect ratio.
  • You may also include a video recording along with your ePoster presentation and your recording should be no longer than 5 minutes.
  • While there are a number of ways to record your presentation, the simplest method is as an export from PowerPoint. You will find instructions on how to record a PowerPoint presentation here:
  • Use the link below to upload a copy of your poster presentation and optional video.
  • Presentations can be in Spanish or Portuguese as long as English is accessible (i.e., words on slides in English, video subtitles in English).
  • Please note that all ABS 2023 attendees will be able to submit questions about your presentation via the virtual meeting portal.