
ABS 2023 In-Person Meeting Program

The current ABS 2023 In-Person Meeting program is listed below. Please be sure to reference this page regularly as program changes are expected up until the meeting.


Tuesday, July 11

  Tuesday, July 11
9:00 am - 12:00 pmWorkshop 1: Introduction to Inclusive Mentoring
Moderator: Damian Elias and Cassandra Nuñez
Workshop 3: Weaving the Future of Animal Behavior: A professional-development workshop for pre-tenure faculty and postdoctoral researchers in animal behaviorWorkshop 4: Why and How to integrate wild animal welfare into behavioral researchWorkshop 5: Using drones and computer vision to study animal movement and behavior in the wild
Moderator: Adwait Deshapande

  Tuesday, July 11
1:00 pm - 5:00 pmWorkshop 2: Taking students across town or across the world: Developing a guide for inclusive experiences for leaders and student participantsEC Meeting (By Invitation Only)Turner Program Workshop
Moderator: Kasey Fowler-Finn, Jen Hamel, Norman Lee, Cassandra Nuñez, Jessica Yorzinski

  Tuesday, July 11
TimeOregon Ballroom Lobby
5:30 pm - 7:00 pmOpening Reception