The Animal Behavior Society can, under some circumstances, contribute to the costs of conferences held in Latin America and organized by Latin Americans. These conferences are not ABS-related conferences, but rather organized by animal behavior groups in Latin America. Only one or two requests can be considered each year, level of funding is limited, and there is no guarantee that every request will receive funding. There may be restrictions on how the money can be spent and ABS may make special requests with regards to the conference (as an example, ABS may request a session to discuss the benefits of belonging to the society and to advertise its ABS programs with interested attendees).
Each request will be evaluated and assessed by ABS prior to funding. Conferences on Animal Behavior or directly relevant to the field will be given priority. Note that decisions will not be available for approximately three months after receipt of requests. Funding for each round will be available between June 15th of the corresponding year and June 14 of the subsequent year.
To apply, please fill out the online application form. This form will be submitted to the ABS Latin American Affairs Committee and the ABS Executive Committee.
The Animal Behavior Society can pay airfare for an ABS member from the USA or Canada to participate (as a speaker, lecturer, instructor) in special courses or workshops organized by Latin Americans and held in Latin America. The objective is to help subsidize costs of travel of speakers invited to Latin American courses or workshops, and to facilitate participation of USA/Canadian members in activities in Latin America at no cost whatsoever to the Latin American organizers. Typically, the Animal Behavior Society has funds for two such speakers every year. Once Latin American organizers have formally invited the speaker/lecturer, the speaker, in conjunction with the organizers, can requests funding from ABS.
Requests for funds will be evaluated by the Latin American Affairs Committee (LAAC), the treasurer, and the first president elect of ABS. Workshops, conferences or courses in Animal Behavior or directly relevant to the field will be given priority. Note that decisions will not be available for approximately three months after receipt of requests. Funding for each round will be available between June 15th of the corresponding year and June 14 of the subsequent year.
To apply, please fill out the online application form. This form will be submitted to the ABS Latin American Affairs Committee and the ABS Executive Committee.
To contact the Chair of the committee, please email: [email protected]