The Animal Behavior Society is excited to offer Outreach Grants to support outstanding community engagement efforts by ABS members. We have a responsibility as scientists to engage with the public, and most members of ABS are involved in creative outreach activities.
With this ABS Outreach Grant, we will recognize and support a few exceptional programs each year. Awards are $1000 each. Winners will share their program on this website as well as through a poster at the ABS annual conference.
Proposals are due each year on December 1 (emailed to [email protected]), and awardees will be announced in the Spring.
Proposal Submission Information Link
Luciana Baruffaldi: Two Bugs/One Stone: Breaking Barriers to Biology for Under-Served Students Through Interactive Invertebrate Behaviour Experiences
Katie Krueger: Ear of the Beholder Portable Museum Exhibit
Alexis Levengood: Dolphin Spotter: a land-based citizen science project in southeast Queensland, Australia
Lauren Pharr: Beginning Birders: A Program Providing Confidence and Community
Avantika Sharma: DHOLEPARAI: A community engagement effort for dhole conservation in an
agroforest shared landscape of Valparai, Tamil Nadu, India
Corinna Most: Uaso Ngiro Baboon Project and II Polei Secondary School
Emily Terrill: Hoperation frog: Using amphibians for community engagement
Kelly Ronald: ExploreHope Camp: ‘Angry Bird origins: Pollution effects on bird communities
Manish Pathak: Fighting misinterpretation of Darwin's theory at the grassroots leve
Rosannette Quesada-Hidalgo: Opiliones teaching science
Alyssa Sargent: Hummingbird Sugar Rush: Engaging with Underrepresented Groups in Science
Caitlin Hawley: What do you want to learn? Open-inquiry outdoor science education
Lauren Guillette et al.: Nesting birds of the world
Marika Bell: The deal with animals podcast
Shany Dror et al.: Genius dog challenge
Anita Aisenberg: Walk on the Wild Side: A Journey with Explorers of the Tiny World, Walk on the Wildside PPT
Yi-Ru Cheng: Trash for Treats
Lindsay R. Mehrkam: Unleashing Applied Animal Behavior Science to Underserved Communities
Heungjin Ryu: Citibats: Citizen Science-based Bat Acoustic Monitoring Program
Doug Wacker: Urban Bird Project
Sarah Guindre-Parker: Backyard Behavior – Using nest-box dwelling birds to observe animal behavior locally
Mounica Kota and Kia Seehafer: Boosting the Behavior Bug: An Introductory Animal Behavior Module
Alexandra McInturf: The Ethogram
Matt Wilkins: A Galactic Polymath Interdisciplinary Middle School Unit Based on Female Barn Swallow Song
Maria J Albo, Kids That Tell Science: Promoting Positive AttitudesTthroughout Scientific Knowledge
Laura Hancock, Flying Friends Friday and Wildlife Wednesday
Shailee S. Shah and Stefanie J. Siller, Superb Stories And Games: Engaging Kenyan Students In The Unique Behavior Of A Local Bird
Heather Zimbler-DeLorenzo, Wild Side Of Science
Sue Margulis and Tiffany Vanderwerf, Encouraging animal behavior studies in science fairs
Ted Stankowich, The science of wildlife conservation and pet safety, a community outreach study
Brooke Woelber, Science Friday!