Latin American Travel Award
The Latin American Travel Awards are intended to encourage greater participation of Latin American researchers in ABS meetings, by helping to defray the costs of international travel, housing, and/or meals at meetings. These awards are restricted to Latin American graduate students enrolled in programs in Latin American institutions, who will be presenting a talk/poster at the ABS meeting.
Given the eligibility criteria below, priority will be given to Ph.D. students who are attending an ABS meeting for the first time and who have not received a Latin American Travel Award in previous years. Award values vary according to funds available. Candidates are prioritized according to the quality of their abstracts and CVs.
Eligibility: Latin American Travel Awards are restricted to Latin American graduate students enrolled in programs in Latin American institutions, who will be presenting a talk/poster at the annual ABS meeting.
All application materials listed below should be submitted using the ABS online abstract submission system.
- your submitted abstract, including the title
- your curriculum vita (CV)
- a brief statement about your previous attendance at ABS meeting and previous Latin American Travel Award(s)