Animal Behavior Society
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Society Membership

The Animal Behavior Society is a non-profit scientific society, founded to encourage and promote the study of animal behavior. ABS members are from all over the world, but primarily from the Americas. Membership is open to all those interested in the study of animal behavior.

Thank you for your interest in the Animal Behavior Society (ABS). Members of ABS study behavior across all levels of biological organization, under natural and controlled conditions, and using descriptive and experimental approaches. Together with its sister organization, the Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour (ASAB), ABS edits the field’s flagship scientific journal, Animal Behaviour. ABS also sponsors annual research conferences, educational programs, outreach activities, student research grant competitions, and a professional certification program.

Membership is open to all those interested in the study of animal behavior.

Membership Benefits

  • Membership includes access to one of the leading journals in the field of behavioral biology: Animal Behaviour ( Animal Behaviour is an international journal that contains research papers, commentaries, review articles and essays. Keep up with the latest in animal behavior research through this top-ranked journal.
  • Members can attend our annual conferences at a reduced rate and be eligible to submit an abstract for presentation. The ABS annual conference includes a full day workshops on different topics in animal behavior, followed by a four-day meeting that includes plenary speakers, simultaneous scientific sessions, oral and poster presentations, and multiple social events.
  • Members can participate in different networking events throughout the year, including virtual workshops, educational events, mentorship programs, etc.
  • Eligible members can apply for a variety of grants and awards. For a full listing of available ABS grants please click here.

    Meeting-Related Awards The following awards are presented at the Annual Meeting: Warder Clyde Allee Award, Diversity, Founders Memorial Poster Award, Genesis Award for the Outstanding Undergraduate Poster Presentation, Charles H. Turner Award.
    Student Research Grants Student research awards, the George W. Barlow Award, the E. O. Wilson Conservation Award, the Amy R. Samuels Cetacean Behavior Award, David S. Tuber Award, and the Justice Equity Diversity and Inclusion (JEDI) Award.
    Developing Nations Research Grants The Developing Nations Research Grants are intended to provide financial support for scientific studies of animal behavior conducted by ABS researchers in developing countries.
    Career Awards The following Career Awards are voted on by the Executive Committee and presented at the ABS Annual Meeting. Distinguished Animal Behaviorist, Exemplar Award, Quest award, Exceptional Service Award and the Outstanding New Investigator Award
    Travel Awards ABS offers various Travel Awards intended to encourage greater participation at the annual meetings by helping to defray some participation costs: Latin American Travel Award, Diversity Award, Caregiver Grant, and Graduate Student Grant
    Education Committee Grants & Awards Animal Behavior Society's Outstanding Children's Book Award, ABS Outreach Grant, and the Penny Bernstein Distinguished Teaching Award.
    Conservation Committee Award Richard Buchholz Conservation Behavior Award.
  • Members receive the ABS quarterly Newsletter, which contains announcements and information regarding events of interest to animal behaviorists, society news and announcements.
  • Members can access the full content of the ABS YouTube channel (, which includes selected presentations from meetings, instructive videos about tools and techniques in the field of animal behavior, and overviews of topics of interest in behavioral biology.
  • Members can promote their research via the ABS Twitter account (, which tweets about the latest animal behavior papers (published in any scientific journal) authored by ABS members.
  • Undergraduate students can join the Society for free for the first year of membership.

Membership Dues

(All subscriptions are 12 months from the date payment is received. Amounts in USD)



(Online Subscription Only to
Animal Behaviour)








(free one-year membership**)










Contact Office


Contact Office

*Countries NOT Considered Developing Nations: US, Canada, Israel, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxemburg, France, United Kingdom, Ireland, Switzerland, Austria, Italy, Spain, and Portugal.

**Undergraduate Students may receive a free one-year ABS student membership with online access to the journal. To receive your free membership please create an ABS account here, and email a copy of your student ID, showing the expiration date to: [email protected]. Upon receipt of your student ID, the ABS Central Office will activate your complimentary one-year membership. Limit one free one-year membership per student.

Access to the Journal:
Online Journal access provides internet access via Elsevier’s site to the monthly journal Animal Behaviour, including archives. IMPORTANT NOTE: We typically report new memberships at the start of each month and they are loaded into ScienceDirect within a week or ten days after that date. ScienceDirect is an independent third party, with their own authorization scheme, and not directly associated with the Animal Behavior Society.

Refund Policy:
There are no refunds for membership dues.

Gift Membership: Consider gifting an ABS membership! Simply email the Central Office for more information on how to gift a membership to a new or existing member: [email protected].