Year | Name | Award | Affiliation | Title |
2024 | Mackenzie Amlin | 1st prize | University of Western Ontario | Chimney swift population trends, chimney use, and weather impacts on phenology and roosting behaviour |
2024 | Rohith Srinivasan | 2nd prize | Indian Institute of Sciences and Ahmedabad University | Are female songs structurally different from males songs in the White-bellied Sholakili |
2024 | Alissa P Murphy | 3rd prize | The University of Texas at Austin | Bumblebee color preferences while pollen foraging |
2024 | Lia Romanotto | Honorable mention | Lake Forest College | The effects of male antennation behavior on female mating preference in bean beetles |
2024 | Katina Lucas | Honorable mention | Lake Forest College | Fitness effects of alternative resource allocation strategies in female bean beetles |
2023 | Iman Shepard | 1st prize | Lake Forest College | Effects of sex and larval density on immunity in bean beetles (Callosobruchus maculatus)” |
2023 | Anna M. Jirik | 2nd prize | Idaho State University | Evaluating the spectrum of protandrous sex change in the hermaphroditic fish Lythrypnus dalli |
2023 | Fiona E. Corcoran | Honorable mention | University of Michigan | Field-realistic Exposure to Neonicotinoid Pesticide Impairs Visual and Olfactory Learning in Paper Wasps |
2023 | Abigail T. Reynolds | Honorable mention | University of Nebraska at Omaha | Bold and shy zebrafish vary in their use of egocentric cues to navigate a T-maze |
2022 | Rebecca Carranza | 1st prize | Elon University | Examining the potential for evolutionary divergence by describing treehopper host plant use and mating signals |
2022 | Heath R. Petkau | 2nd prize | University of Lethbridge | Community algorithms reveal clustering in Adelaide's warbler song type sequence networks |
2022 | Dariana Gomez | Honorable mention | Lake Forest College | No evidence for fitness benefits of mate preferences in female lesser waxmoths |
2022 | Ruel Hanlan | Honorable mention | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | Sexual dimorphism in fin size, shape, coloration, and its implications for animal behavior in killifish |
2021 | Jean L. Ross | 1st prize | Elon University | The role of sound and vibration in mediating courtship and competition in a neotropical katydid |
2021 | Madison D. Griffin | 2nd prize | Duke University | The Development of Grooming Behavior in Wild Baboons: Sex Differences in Mother-Offspring Social Relationships |
2021 | Haaken Bungum | Honorable mention | Yale-NUS College | Why We Fight: Drivers of Agonism Between Smooth-Coated Otters and Malayan Water Monitors in Singapore |
2021 | Lesia M. Hryhorenko | Honorable mention | Otterbein University | Analysis of In-Situ Authorship: A study on the representation of commonly marginalized authors |
2021 | Ana Clara Varella | Honorable mention | University of São Paulo | How do wild infant bearded capuchin monkeys (Sapajus libidinosus) react towards lipsmacking? |
2019 | Lilly Hollingsworth | 1st prize | University of California, Riverside | Male Allen's Hummingbirds Hold Mating Territories with Abundant Food Sources |
2019 | Jessica Riojas | 2nd prize | Iowa State University | Mirror-Induced Behavior in Paper-Wasps: Is an Insect Capable of Self-Recognition? |
2019 | Aaron Rose | 3rd prize | Texas A&M University | Calcium hydroxide may promote hybridization in a freshwater fish |
2019 | Alison Osbrink-McInroy | Honorable mention | Effects of Traffic Noise on Zebra Finch Problem-Solving Performance | |
2019 | Annika Ruppert | Honorable mention | A Behavioral Study of Brain Lateralization in Frogs: Does a Right Ear Advantage Bias Phonotaxis? | |
2019 | David Wilkerson-Lindsey | Honorable mention | University of Illinois | Effects of Parental Care on Offspring Behavior in Threespined Stickleback |
2019 | Aaron Wikle | Honorable mention | St. Ambrose University | A new vibrational sexual signal in a field cricket |
2018 | Chris Edomwande | 1st Place | Lake Forest College | "The influence of predation risk on mate choice in the waxmoth Achroia grisella” |
2018 | Ivonne Arriola Mendietta | 1st Runner-up | Florida State University | "Does courtship behavior of male lance-tailed manakins affect offspring survivability?” |
2018 | Brandi Pessman & Rosaria Rae | Honorable Mention | North Central College | "Juvenile social environment results in alternative mating strategies in Acheta domesticus males” |
2018 | Rachel Ruiz | Allee Honorable Mention | Colorado State University Pueblo | "The impact of multiple stressors on behavioral and immunological response in vinegar flies” |
2017 | Colby Behrens | 1st Place | Iowa State University | "Do paper wasps have personalities? Physiological and genomic mechanisms of personality in Polistes fuscatus” |
2017 | Alexandra Dorison | Honarable Mention | University of Toronto Scarborough | “Behavioural and developmental responses of invasive Japanese redback spiders to new temperature challenges” |
2017 | Cora Anne Romanow | Honarable Mention | Lingle Lab, University of Winnipeg | “Designed to attract: ontogenetic transitions from infant distress to male courtship calls in elk” |
2017 | Veronica Gerios | Honarable Mention | University of Michigan Dearborn | “Flubs that function: an analysis of sperm removal behavior in an orb weaving spider” |
2017 | Archchana Rajmohan | Honarable Mention | University of Toronto Scarborough | “Heterospecific matings in widow spiders: Do males use different sperm allocation strategies?” |
2016 | Lauren Poon | 1st Place | University of California, Davis | "Of noise and nests: Effects of anthropogenic noise on settlement patterns in Tachycineta bicolour” |
2016 | Timothy Boycott | Honaorable Mention | Vassar College | "Effects of deer browsing on sound propagation in northeastern temperate forests” |
2015 | Hailey Shannon | 1st Place | Susquehanna University | “The Effects of Prenatal Predator Cue Exposure on Offspring Substrate Preferences in Wolf Spiders” |
2015 | Ciara Main | Honorable Mention | University of California at Davis | “Seasonal Changes in Male Display Performance in Response to a Robotic Female Stimulus” |
2015 | Mykell Reifer | Honorable Mention | Carleton University | “Do fight winners produce higher quality offspring?” |
2015 | David Vazques | Honorable Mention | Virginia Tech | “Examining the Relationship Between Dominance Status and Disease Transmission in House Finches” |