The Animal Behavior Society has a series of Career Awards which include the following:
Distinguished Animal Behaviorist - outstanding lifetime achievement in animal behavior
Exemplar Award - major long-term contribution to animal behavior
Outstanding New Investigator - outstanding contribution by a new investigator
Quest Award - outstanding seminal contribution
Exceptional Service Award - sustained service contributions to the Animal Behavior Society
*Penny Bernstein Distinguished Teaching Award- recognizes a sustained record of excellent teaching of animal behavior in the classroom or informal education setting.
*Richard Buchholz Conservation Behavior Award- recognize ABS members for their outstanding contributions to this integrative field of Conservation Behavior.
All members of the society are encouraged to submit nominations for the above awards. To aid the Selection Committee and to help codify the procedures involved, the following items must be submitted for a nomination:
(1) A letter of nomination indicating the award for which the nominee is being proposed which should provide details on the reasons the nominee should be considered for that award.
(2) A curriculum vitae of the nominee.
(3) Additional supporting letters from colleagues solicited by the nominator.
Materials for the Distinguished Animal Behaviorist, Exemplar, Outstanding New Investigator, Quest and Exceptional Service Award can be submitted using the button below by the deadline: January 15, 2025.
* For the Penny Bernstein Distinguished Teaching Award, submit a one-page letter providing evidence to support the nomination to the chair of the PBDTA sub-committee Leslie Curren( by January 15, 2025. Click here for award criteria.
* For the Richard Buchholz Conservation Behavior Award, submit a letter detailing how the nominee fits the award criteria, should be submitted to the ABS Conservation Committee Chair, Brett Seymoure, by January 15, 2025.
The deadline to submit nominations is January 15, 2025 for all Career Awards.
The Penny Bernstein Distinguished Teaching Award nominations deadline is January 15, 2025.
The Richard Buchholz Conservation Behavior Award nominations deadkline is January 15, 2025.